Recovery and Oh no, she's here

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Hey guys! Before we start the chapter, I want to leave an update or an author's note if you will

With school starting again, I fear I will slow down on the updates. I really don't want to as I enjoy writing this story, but if for some reason if I don't update for a while, it's because of school assignments and what not!

That being said, I also wanted to talk about the other projects I am working on at this platform.

I have a AOT fanfic and honestly I'm a bit unsure about it, but there are two other projects I am currently working on and will update when they get published.

One of them focuses on a DEKU X OC love story! I have ( kinda ) a big crush on a broccoli boy and have been dreaming of making a fanfic about him and my oc. It's actually already out, it's called "Green is my type" and there's only an introduction, but the chapters will come rolling in soon.

Alsooo.. The Gojo Satoru and Getou love triangle with the Y/N will commence soon as well!!! I love those precious boys so much haha. Haven't thought of a title yet tho

Also the last thing about this fanfic, I got a message asking about Kei's inspo and this gonna surprise some people but the Jeanist ( also from mha ) and his power set really inspired me a bit lmao. Also lots of inspo from other comics, like a type of professor x character and many more characters from both DC and marvel too.

And yes, I am actually up the date with the JUJUTSU KAISEN Manga and oh boi...

Shibuya arc broke me sooo much ;-; But gege is a genius !

Anyways Imma shut up now so you can all read the chapter. Nobara Kugisaki is one of the best written shonen girls of our time and I'm so glad I get to write this fanfiction about her. And I hope you guys are liking it too :)

Favorite and comment as always! Let's begin


Welcome Back, First-Year

It's early in the morning and Kei dresses back into his school uniform before Gojo comes to pick him up.

Kei blushes when Gojo all of a sudden, picks up the boy's bridal style and is carried to his wheelchair settled near the door. The blonde stomps on his chest, demanding him to let him go.

"S-Sensei, put me down!" He grumbles, looking up at him with a self conscious glare. "Y-You could've just brought it near my bed."

Gojo laughs it off,

"Nah," He simply says before plopping Kei down, "You can't strain yourself. Shoko said to take it easy, okay?"

Kei sighs, admitting defeat, " long as Ieri chan says so." With his subdued injuries, along with the curse, his pain amplified so much on his legs that he'd have to sit for a few days.

Troubled thoughts run his mind as Gojo strolls him out of the hospital, medical sorcerer's bowing as he leaves his residence.

A bit of hate still lingered inside of him, frustrated he was weak against his fight with Sukuna. And with the injuries he got, he was more frustrated on how he'll do at the Kyoto event.

He didn't like that he was told to take it easy and rest, as he needed to work hard for the days to come.

"Brooding again, Kei?" Gojo snaps him out of his mind, slapping him lightly against the cheek as they both make their way to the school's tracks.

"H-Hey, what was that for?"

"Come onnn," Gojo whines, "You gotta cheer up! You're gonna see your friends soon!"

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