Give it back

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Omg guys.

I'm so sorry. I was supposed to publish it last night but if anyone lives in the valley, it is windy as heck! My power went down and I could not access my Wattpad account at all.

Crazy but I'm here now! Made it a little longer for you guys. Pls let me know what you think of this chapter and vote too if you can!


A chill is in the air when the kids all hop out of the train to Takayama. Kei breathes out, looking around the village far ahead of them.

He looks down at his postcard and the address written in the corner.

Nobara puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it and the blonde looks up to her,

"Don't worry Kei-Kun, we're going to find them."

And so they did.

Before that though, Kei had enough and went to nearest hair salon to get his hair turned back to his original color.

It was a little bright than before but he blew it off, as long as the color black was gone from his head.

After the group scattered to ask where their place was, they found a lone house away from the rest of the town.

It was a beautiful cottage with stone-like features around it.

They were so close to the ocean and the group began to shiver from how cold it got.

"Let's just hope this is them so we can get out of this cold!" Megumi scowls while rubbing his shoulders.

"So..cold.." Yuji whimpers.

"Salmon." Toge adds and Kei turns to look at them.

"Don't worry guys. I'm positive that it is them.." He strolls ahead of them and knocks on the door until it creaks open, the residents appear.

An elderly couple and when they look down to see Kei, tears start cascading down the old lady's puffy cheeks.

"Kei! Oh, my grandson, you came to visit us?!"

He chuckles softly,

"A home far away from your troubles. That's how you described your retirement, right grams?"

"Yes and it's all thanks to your grandfather!" The old man says with a cheeky grin before pulling him close as well.

The three huddle together while the group watches a little far.

"This is a nice reunion and all but can you please, let my human friends inside..they're freezing." Panda calls out and the couple stare at him.

"Oh! We're so sorry about that! Please do come in." She bows profusely as the old man rubs his head in embarrassment.

Kei slouches and looks down in confusion.

'So they're not going to question the talking panda?'


Everyone stood by the fire as Nobara and Kei sat down at the dinner table with the file placed against their ceramic table.

"And that's why I came here to you guys.." Kei mutters with a frown, his finger pushing the ends of the paper towards his relatives. "They won't acknowledge you guys because I never officially was adopted by you and or Gojo.."

"But the only way you can get out of it.."

"If you sign this paper and let Satoru take custody of me while I'm in tokyo."

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