Cat fight

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"You said Nobara was around here, right?" Kei asked the gun wielding sorcerer as the two walked together on the far right of the arena.

"I'm pretty sure I shot her around this radius." Mai said, "Right in the face and everything!" She boasted, hoping to impress him.

"Daymn, that's kinda harsh.." He bit the inside of his cheek, a little terrified and heck, a bit impressed over how she could shoot someone so far with her single revolver.

"What? It's the Kyoto event, of course I was going to give it my all. And anyways, I used a rubber bullet on her." Her eyes narrowed a bit at his words, her hands on her hip.

She grabbed the hem of her baggy pockets, shaking it a bit enough to hear the jingle of real bullets inside of her pocket.

"I save the real ones for the spirits."

He rubs the back at his head and chuckled a bit,

"W-Well, you're actually kinda right.." He mumbled, admitting his statement was a bit off.

"That aside, I don't know if it's wrong for me to say it or not but you're actually a pretty good shot."

She could have easily put Toge and him down if he hadn't escaped with his wires.

Mai's eyes beam with happiness and she jumps a little at his praise. But she composes herself quickly afterwards. She flips a bit of her hair and hands it out, trying to act like she knows it too.

"No, you're absolutely right. I get that often but it means a lot hearing it from you." She lies in a cool tone, knowing well Miwa and Momo are the only ones who comment on her marksmanship.

Kamo thinks highly of himself and Todo doesn't even pay any attention.

Mai tries to pose with confidence and chat him up more while they look for the girl, but when she turns to see if Kei is paying attention, she instantly feels silly when the first-year goes running to the Kugisaki girl instead.

"Nobs, are you okay?!" He cries, shaking her body a bit. She answers with a groan and Kei picks her up bridal style, looking down to her cheek. Dirt everywhere on her clothes.

"We should get you to the entrance," He whispered to her and the girl started to stir in his arms. Slowly opening her eyes.

She hates the moment she begins to have thoughts about him in her sleep, he shows up. She is greeted by a warm smile when she opens her eyes.

Her senses regained themselves and when she looked down to see herself in Kei's arms, she squealed and dropped herself out of his grip.

"W-Woah, Nobs, what are you doing? I was just trying to help!" Kei said, his face grew red by the sudden reaction. Mai simply laughed in the background.

"Oh my, she squealed like a little pig!"

She continued to laugh hard and seeing Mai there provoked Nobara. She now had the energy to get up and talk back to her.

Thoughts jogged in her mind, asking why that bitch was standing next to her and Kei. But only one thing later came to mind.

"Ha, you're the one that shot me and yet, you too got eliminated?! That's funny," Nobara insulted, staring down at her with a smile even though it hurt so much to do so.

"Did Maki end up proving who's the better sister?"

Mai snarled at that and tried to lunge at her, but Kei intervenes putting his body between them.

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