Sukuna's Vessel

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Chapter 2: Meeting Sukuna's Vessel

"Oh? A kid like you is a jujutsu sorcerer? I guess they'll take anyone these days.." Itadori Yuji thought he had it under control with Sukuna, until one of the slits from his cheek opened, revealing an eye that stared down at young Kei Murasaki.

"Hey, cut it out! Stop harassing him!" Yuji pleads to the monster linked to his body, but the curse refuses. He even slaps a hand over his eye but it just submerges onto the hand.

He laughs to himself with delight but stops abruptly when instead a face of a grimace, the blonde exchanges a sly smirk. He puts his hand out, mimicking someone talking by pressing them in and out.

"I gUeSs ThEy'LL tAke aNyoNe ThEse DaYs." Kei mocks with an idiotic tone, "Blah blah, blah. I've heard that shit before, Sukuna. Oldest joke in the book."

He wanted to leave it at that but honestly, he just wanted to provoke the monster. He leans against his chair before crossing his arms in confidence.

"Besides, you're all talk for someone getting their ass handed to them in nine seconds."

Sukuna's eyes narrowed at the boy before staring directly at Gojo who was walking beside them.

"Shut up, brat. Once I take over this body, I'm going to actually kill that man first then you."

"Wow, did you hear that, Kei?!" Gojo jumps in joy with a cocky smile on his face. "What an honor, being in the hit list of Sukuna. How fun!"

"Uh.." Kei was dumbfounded, still profound that Gojo-sensei was still childish as ever.

'Isn't he like 28?'

"But don't worry..I'm the strongest." Gojo smirks while Sukuna is forced back into Yuji's mind, the slit on his cheek closing.

"Sorry about that, Murasaki-kun!" Yuji rubs the back in the head, nervous how the other boy would feel about him. "I had no idea he could do something like that!"

"It's whatever," Kei says as the three make their way to the principal's temple, "Just as long as you can control that mongrel, I got no issues."

"But what he sai-"

Kei is quick to shake his head and raise his hand again, silencing him, "No. Don't apologize. I deal with that crap almost everyday, I'm used to it."

It's true. He was used to him. Not too long ago, Gojo introduced Kei to Yuji Itadori, also known as Sukuna's Vessel.

Kei furrowed his eyebrows at the boy, completely perplexed on how a teenage boy like him could manifest Sukuna, one of the most powerful curses of all curses.

'The King of curses' as he likes to call it. Despite his strange enthusiasm, Yuji was polite to not ask Kei right away how someone like him could be like Gojo or Megumi.

But it didn't matter because it wasn't long until Sukuna started to spur insults at the wheel-chair sorcerer.

Gojo walks behind Kei, throwing his arms over the shoulder while his weight pushes his wheelchair close to the building. His head resting on top of his, as Kei lets out a sigh of annoyance.

"Don't worry, Itadori-kun! Murasaki doesn't look like it, but he's strong and capable just like anyone." He raises a finger with a big smile. "Heck, I think he's stronger than most. As expected from someone trained under me, though~!"

Kei doesn't listen to him but is occupied as he takes a sniff of something smelly coming from Gojo.

"Oi, why does your blindfold smell so musty?" He asked loudly.

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