My Son

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okay guys.

We finally made it to this chapter

Guys I don't know, I got somewhat emotional kinda writing this part.

Would really love to know what you think of this specific chapter! I guess I found myself shocked writing it too.

And as always comment and vote too lol we go.


'Was this an act of a terroist? Many people of Gunma are found dead after a big explosion went off across its region.'

'Japan is mourning for the loss of the victims..'

'Authorities have no suspects or whereabouts at the moment.'

All eyes were on the big incident in Gunma, wondering what went wrong

But only the sorcerers had the answer to that.

Gojo drove fast to the scene with three frantic students coming along. Nobara had been on the phone the entire time. Her shoulders dropped and the fear spiked when she's left at a dead end.

"Hi, you're reaching Kei Murasaki. I'm sorry if I don't answer the phone, but I'm either busy or MAYBE I don't want to speak to you. Yeah, I think you know who you are-"

"Fuck, Kei, just pick up the damn phone!"

She screamed in the back seat, practically slamming her cellphone to the floor.

"Kugisaki, calm down!!" Megumi looked at the girl and she snaps back at him with a piss look.

"I'm not calming down until I hear from him." She seethed through her teeth and Megumi gave up on trying to help.

He was trying to ease her worries, trying to stay a bit hopeful on the inside.

Kei has escaped death once and he was sure he did so again.

Yuji was awfully quiet, pondering on the possible outcomes what happened to his friend. He clenched his fists,

Only thinking of Mahito and his chances of being there.

His wicked smile and evil laughter echoed in his mind and Yuji starts to wince to himself.

"You better be alive and well, Kei.."

The four rush to the scene, some sorcerers already there to investigate.

It's pouring hard at the crime scene but the group didn't care. They all ran together in hopes to find their other classmate sooner.

"Yaga, have you found Murasaki?" Gojo asked who was right at the entrance of it all.

Yaga sighs, his whole demeanor looking exhausted.

"It's a big scene out here, Satoru," He says, "We're barely finding other dead bodies of more victims. But no sign of Kei.."

"We'll help you find him, isn't that right, sensei?" Yuji asked, knowing his sensei could be able to track him fast.

The blind folded man nods, hands in pockets. He then has his hand reach for his blind fold, stripping the cloth that's over his eyes.

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