Squabble and Drama

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Mai vs Nobara round 2! Who will win, y'all?
Lmk what you think of this chapter and vote <3

Mai laid there in a stretched position, glistening in her own sweat,

And a belly full of his babies.

She pouts and let's out a soft whimper when she sees Kei quickly dresses up back to his attire. He sighed to himself, brushing his hair back with his own fingers.

He looked at her, and sees that she's upset he wanted to leave this very moment.

"Mai, come on, we should dress up and get going.."

She limped back against the bed with an exhaustive figure. Their second time was much more amazing than the first and it made her sad to hear they had to go back to the real issues at hand.

She wished they could do this forever instead of having to fight a war.

She gets up but doesn't change. She presses her naked body against him from behind and he flinches from her touch.

She starts rubbing his shoulder with one hand and as she squeezed, another hand came over like a wool over his eyes.

He lightly gasped with a mouth slightly agape as she whispers,

"You're so irresistible, Kei." Her lips form a seductive smile,

"Don't think this is over~ Maybe you and I can do this more sometime later tonight , what do you say?"

She's obsessed with him now. Drunk over his physique and just everything she sees in him. Kei turns his side to look at her with a fainted blush on his cheeks,

"S-Sure, if that's what you want." She grins deviously at his answer before kissing him.

The two stare at each other, until.


Kei gasped and covered his mouth when he heard someone knocking his door while Mai looked unfazed by it.

"Kei, open the door. It's me."

"He's sleeping, darling. Why don't you come back another time?" Mai says behind the door but Nobara grows impatient.

"Open. The. Door."

Mai rolls her eyes before walking her naked self over the door knob but Kei harshly whispers at her before she does,

"Mai, put some clothes on!"

"Do I have to?" He scowled at her answer. Now, she was testing him and Nobara.

"P-Please, Mai!" He begs her with worried eyes and she sighs, giving in to his wishes. She doesn't put her panties or bra back on, but only her dress so she can open the door.

Before Nobara can knock for the third time, Mai opens the door but she closes it behind Kei.

She doesn't let the brunette in.

"What do you want, Kugisaki?"

"I just want to see Kei. How's he doing, is he okay?" She asked a bit frantic over the guy.

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