Great escape ( part 1 )

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After their cute ramen night, Nobara and Kei went back to his room holding hands.

The hyper rush and laughter they displayed so much last night screeched to a halt late last night , the sugar inside of them dying down.

They felt exhausted and slept together, this time in Kei's bed.

"G-Goodnight, Nobs." He says, squeezing her waist as he pulls her to an embrace.

She has her hands on her chest, looking at him and pressing the bridge of her nose against his.

She smiles deeply,

"Nighty, Kei!" The two kiss and Kei then draped the large blankets over them to keep them warm from the chilly weather last night.

Euphoria raced inside of his heart, almost dying over the fact that he was holding her in his arms.

The girl of his dreams, finally his.

And only his, he thought to himself.

The two could not stop acting like silly middle schoolers in love.

As Gojo performed his lecture, Kei had his hand on his chin while the other reached for the corner of his desk.

He held a black ballpoint pen, drawing down a heart shape. He then wrote some letters inside of it.


He smiled to himself, thinking when the next round of first years arrive, they will see this during their own school session.

Nobara had been exchanging notes to him in class too,

Littering the edges over how handsome he was. Even suggesting dirty and suggestive thoughts for afterschool.

The two can't help but fail to hold their devious snickers to themselves.

Gojo looks back, chalk in hand.

He was happy for Kei but the two were acting like bunnies in heat, unafraid of showing their affectionate desperation for each other.

He looked at them with a tight lip before scolding the two,

"Hey, can't you two save this after I finish class? You two aren't paying attention at all."

"Yeah, what Gojo-sensei said!" Yuji shouted, turning his back at the two.

"You're just mad that I'm taken and you're not." Nobara says with a smirk and Yuji gets more annoyed.

"T-That's not true! Oi, Megumi, don't you agree that they should get all lovey dovey in their free time?"

Megumi who stood in the back, crossed his hands and looked a bit uneasy at the two.

"Sorry guys, but you guys are kinda distracting..."

The shikigami user didn't want to admit it but he did feel bothered whenever the two spoke amongst each other while taking notes.

Before Kei could speak, a fourth voice called out but not from inside the room.

Their classroom door slides open and Kei feels his shoulders drop, chills run down his spine seeing two Zenin clansmen, along with Naobito.

"Perhaps we can help with your little problem, Satoru."

Kei turns to them and confronts them at an instant.

"What are you guys doing here? I told you I don't want to join your family."

Naohito smiles,

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