that's how the games work

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Seeing the familiar face of the sorcerer thief made his shoulders slump in some sort of relief. Not that he was happy or thrilled to bump into her out of all people but at least he knew what to expect should she try something on him again. She was good before, Kei gives her that but out of all the competitors within the game, it's a surprise to see she's still out here and surviving. He watches her dust off the dirt from her flimsy dress before kicking up her knees with a scowling look. She was about to say something but this confuses Kei as she closed her mouth right away, immediately retracting she wanted to say and instead looked at him with stunned eyes. 

"Woah, you're all grown up, kid." She eyed him head to toe, "Looks like puberty's done you right. And you're not in a wheelchair? I gotta say, I'm not used to you towering me like this now."

"Remi," He calls out her name again in a stern tone, wanting to cut to the chase how she'd gotten stuck in this mess but she continues. "Okay, maybe I must've been harsh on you the last time we met, but hey, maybe things can work for us after all! I've been looking for a prince myself, you k-" She was hoping to ramble on and on but Kei didn't have the patience. Her body crashed back up against a cement wall and before she could push her back away from it, he keeps one hand atop her shoulder and the other whisking a string of sharp razor wire made of energy etching close to her neck so she can remain still. She looks up at him and sees menacing, dark eyes. Blue ones like the sea but not one with a beautiful, innocent Oceanview. They're dark and ominous like ocean in nighttime. 

He wasn't playing games. 

"Stop wasting my time. Tell me why you're here." 

 A playful laugh emerges from her lips and her eyes then turn to slits, 

"So eager. Maybe you haven't changed."

"Shut up". Remi humiliated Kei and Megumi in one of the first tasks Gojo assigned them on together. They had always dealt with curses but Gojo insisted to be ready to fight sorcerers, evil ones and those who use their powers for the wrongest reasons. Remi was simply a petty thief. She lured men with her charm, baited them somewhere where no one was looking before she threatened them with her poison. She gave them two choices: give her all their money willingly or face the most excruciating pain through her poison and still get their money taken away from her. Many of them had tried to retaliate and failed. 

Megumi used Kei as the bait. A boy seemingly innocent and disabled seemed like the easy prey for Remi. Fushiguro would watch from afar while Kei had garnered her attention. She made her way towards him, romantic and friendly. Mostly flirtatious as she had smoothed her hand over his arm, bending down so closely like she wanted to kiss him. Even if it was all the plan, Kei blushed and turned bashful. A reaction Kei would cringe to himself to this day. The two students seemingly failed at what should have been an easy mission but she outsmarted the both of them, making her escape. 

"I came here out of curiosity, really," She averted her eyes away from his own intense ones, "When I heard about the culling games, I figured there might be a reward at the end. Maybe a prized possession or anything money related. I just had to come see." Then she sighed out, her pleased expression dropping. "Ugh, but they didn't tell me we had to fight to the death! I'm barely surviving and I'm so hungry, so thirsty. A pretty girl like me shouldn't be put in a predicament like this."

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