The fun before tragedy

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Nobara wore her best fall outfit for the day. She puts on a plaid Buffalo jacket, along with some casual jeans that fit with her white tops.

To say it was a nice outfit, was an understatement to Kei. She already looked good in uniform but in casual clothing, there was something so stunning about her.

Meanwhile, Kei chose the idea to wear a white casual hoodie underneath his black jacket, along with some matching pants just for when it rains on them.

The two went early before the malls got packed  and took the train to Akihabara. For once, Kei felt like nothing mattered around him except for the girl that he was hanging out with.

They had the entire row for themselves and took the chance to loudly talk about things they like, hobbies, etc.

"Oh really? I didn't notice your hair was dyed."

She laughs, tangling a curl of her hair in her fingers. "That means I must've done a good job then. I did it all on my own. First time too!"

"What was your hair like before then?" Kei inquired and Nobara face turns to disgust,

"Ohh it's just some dark color, like a dark brown? Whatever, it looked yucky on me, anyways." 

"I'm sure you looked fine in it," Kei affirms. "Meanwhile, I'm a natural dirty blonde!"

"Who'd you get that from? Your mom or your dad?"

"My dad," he then laughs, "You know everyone we met, they told us we practically looked like clones. Like, a mini me almost."

"Really?" She said, her eyebrows peak with curiosity. "You got any proof?"

He then takes out a wallet and removes a photo inside of it. It's an old photo but she can see a clear image of both parents and a baby Kei sitting on their lap, looking at the camera with a blank yet confused stare.

She laughs, "Hahaha you were such a chubby baby!"

He snorts, "Heh, glad that's the first thing that popped in your mind."

"Oh shush, you're still cute." She then scans at his father then looks at him, "Oh wow, you weren't kidding.

The man had the same exact hair color with
The exact style Kei had. He had the same lean, skinny figure and same smile. Everything was there. The mother looked a lot different, with her strawberry blonde hair and green bright eyes.

'They look like a beautiful family',  she thought.

Then there's that pang of guilt that rushed into her mind again. It resurfaced and can remember asking about his parents yesterday.

She hands out the photo to him, now looking at him with sympathy.

"Kei-kun.." She mutters. "I'm so sorry for bringing up terrible memories. I didn't k-"

Kei just sighs and rolls his eyes, "C'mon Nobara? This again? You already apologized to me yesterday."

"Yeah but, even I got a handful from Megumi.."

"Megumi is just overprotective of me," he scoffs, "And besides, I told him too it's no big deal. So let's just try to forget about it, yeah?"

She knew he wanted to end that conversation so she admits defeat and nods.

They make their way to Akihabara and when they take their steps out of the train, Nobara felt like she was in one of those movies. The grand city debuting in front of her eyes was a spectacle.

So much to go, so much to see..

"C'mon, I know this plaza you'd like to see.." Kei smiles and Nobara delightfully nods.

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