Away from home

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There's a stake planted in the middle of the dying grass in the outer rim of his grandparent's picket fence. Just beyond, there is the scenery of fresh saltwater splashing down the shoreline. The seagulls cry above them as Kei clasped his hands together, his eyes closed as he whispered soft prayers to his now deceased grandmother. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there in your last moments. I loved you so much. Thank you for always looking out for me." He whispered his last words before opening his eyes, seeing her words engraved on the cross before stepping away from the litter of bouquets and candles surrounding it. His grandfather weeped as his wrinkly hand clenched onto a tissue before dampening it with his tears. Nobara in her black attire stepped towards Kei, a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

"She was a good woman, Kei. I'm sorry for your loss." 

"She was the best." He told her, staring out to the ocean. "But it's going to be alright. She lived a good life and now she's in heaven. I-I just wish I could've seen her one last time." 

"I know. It's not easy, losing a family member..but, it gets easy later, as sad as that sounds." 

"No, I get it." His grandfather's cries escalate and Kei pulls his eyes away to see the elderly man choking on his own tears, kneeling on the dirt with his hands on his face. Kei settled down to him, his hands on his shoulders to straighten him up before pulling him a tight hug. He held him with his hand on his head, allowing him to stain his suit as he cried some more. 

When he ran out of tears, the old man went straight for the kitchen to prepare a kimchi soup for the three of them. His tired, old hands held tightly on the sides of the pot before settling it down to the table. Kei had prepared the rice to eat with their soup. Nobara tried to lighten the mood, complimenting the pork and broth in the soup and his grandfather smiled, content she enjoyed their evening meal. Grey clouds began to embark on the sky and suddenly, the house was surrounded by a pouring rain. It was relaxing, however, enough to accompany the comfortable silence for dinner. 

"So, Kei, now that the threat is all over, what will you be doing now?" His grandfather asked and Kei closed his mouth, dropping the spoonful of rice down back to his bowl. He looked confused at him,

"What do you mean?" 

"What you told me about..about this Sukuna and Kenjaku, is there any reason to continue being a sorcerer?" 

Kei glanced at Nobara who stared back with a scrunched expression. 

"With all due respect, sir, but there's still more work to be done." Nobara chimes in. "Kei and I are jujutsu sorcerers. There will always be threats out there, even after this." 

"It has been quiet since, I admit." Kei says, "But there's people out there who need us. So, I assume I'd just continue my duties at the tech school." 

The elder frowned, 

"Y-Yes, I suppose that is correct." He begins to stammer, "B-But you've been through so much. I-I can see that with you two. My point is, you guys are still young for your age. Surely, you should step down and take it easy." He continues, "I still have a moving company to run and I could use the help here."

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