Domains and Princesses

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The final day before Kyoto began was a stressful one. Maki and Megumi had been fighting one and one, her staff clashing against his wooden batons.

Nobara had been practicing with Toge in the forest, trying to count her shots as she  aimed at targets the cursed speech user pinned on the trees around them.

She found herself missing the mark or close enough to make bullseye. She curses to herself while Toge said,

"Bonito flakes."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with confusion.


Panda and Kei played an aggressive game of tag. Kei was grappling around with his wires, perched on a tree to look for his surroundings.

He's quick to jump and heave his body across before Panda landed a fist on the three, nearly destroying it. Kei looks back at him before shooting cursed energy on the branch, its wood starts to wrap itself around the doll's arm.

Panda pulls up his hand with force, ripping through its bark,

"You're learning quickly by using the environment," Panda complimented, "If you can control inanimate objects, have you thought of controlling living beings?"

Kei sighs at this, "No I can't. As far as I can tell, the only way I can do that is inside of my domain."

His eyes peak with interest,

"Your domain? You already have one?"

Kei goes and reaches for his chair, panting from the exhaustion he felt moments ago.

"It's incomplete but I guess you can say that," He says, sheepishly rubbing his head, "Though after training in it, I'm still a bit worried."


"Well you see, sometimes my domain can get out of control," Kei explains, "But it sucks cause Megumi has his under control but I can't!"

He was frustrated by this but he stopped and thought, in a sense, it's kinda his fault. He hadn't trained on his move for years. The last time he used it was on Gojo who even, despite seeing it, insisted the boy continued yet he relented.

The second time he performed his domain, he was a nervous wreck. A younger Kei had explained to Gojo in tears that he did his domain but it wasn't what he wanted.

Back then, his youthful sensei gave him a puzzled look before beaming into a smile.

"But that's great! You have to show it to me now."

"N-NO, Sensei!" The boy cries, stifling in his tears, "I'm scared I will hurt you."

"Ah, come on." Gojo scoffs before confidently putting his hands on his hips, "You're talking to the strongest sorcerer ever. What could your domain possibly do?"
Kei looks at him and after a long pause, he nods and agrees to demonstrate.

Kei puts his hands in position, taking a deep breath and exhaling before opening his eyes full of concentration.

"Domain expansion: Nightmare fuel."

"OO, nightmare fuel. I like the name." Gojo exclaimed, wiggling his fingers and trying to intimidate a spooky ghost.

"Gives it a little edge."

His thoughts are cut short when he finds the young boy suddenly levitating in the air and they both find themselves in a vast field, a city behind them full of happy people and animals all around.

"Uh, okay. So what's the problem, Kei?" Gojo said, scratching the side of his face. Still unsure why the boy was upset but suddenly the whole setting was obliterated and set under an eclipse, in complete ruins and in the sky, he finds cracked mirrors showing off scenes of..

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