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The black hair boy with markings on both side of his face pouted out of boredom, his legs dangling at the edge of his bed.

His eyes glisten with excitement when he sees the metal doors open to his chamber, revealing his master and Mahito.

"Master Getou!" He cheers, jumping off of the bed and running up to him. He hugs him and looks up to him, a big smile on his face.

"Is it time? Can I finally go kill some humans?" He asked, hopping against him. "Pretty please?"

"Now, now, little Koji," He grabs his shoulders. "There will be some time for killing but not right now."

"Ah come on, Getou," Mahito smiles, placing a hand on him, "We should let him go on a rampage. I've yet to see his powers.."

The man in stitches thought about it for a moment. He looks at Koji, who stares at him with puppy eyes.

"I suppose," He says, assuring himself that Koji was in full control rather than Murasaki who once had it before.

"Very well. Why don't we test your abilities and give you an assignment then.."

Koji claps his hands together, satisfied by the answer.

"Yay! Thank you so much, master! It's just what I needed." He cheers and walks out of the room to head to the beach outside. Fake Getou grins at this, pleased to see Kei's body be used as a servant to him now.

Koji walks pass the hallways, casually skipping like a child. That's when he sensed someone hiding behind a corner and then when he looks at their direction, someone coils their own blood at his neck.

He pins him to the wall and then he looks to meet a pair of eyes from Choso, who stares at him closely with an angry expression. His hands blocking him from moving away from him.

"Kinky~" Koji cooed and Choso starts to speak,

"I don't know who you think you are, but you are not my brother. You're just an imposter, got that?" He seethed his teeth at him and the black hair boy chuckles at him.

"Course' I'm your little brother, Choso!" He answers with innocence. "I'm the better brother of yours, unlike those weak ones that were killed not too long ago.."

"Don't call Kechizu and Eso weak." He scowled, pressing him back with more force.

Koji giggles, giving the man a devious smile,

"Course they were! They were killed by a bunch of kiddies." He looks at him so darkly, red aura surrounding him. "Heck, they were so weak I would be embarrassed to be related with those two."

He laughs and taunts the man in front of him and Choso almost snaps at him, but he lets him go when Getou comes out of the room and tells the two to stand down.

He releases his hand and Koji simply sticks out his tongue at him,

"BLEH!" He walks away, smiling at him before moving away from him.

"Boy, where are you going?" Jogo calls out, as him and Hanami are chilling on the beach together. A portal emerges in front of Koji and he looks at them before leaving,

"Getou is sending me on a mission." He says so proudly. Then he waves 'goodbye' to him.

"See you later, Mike Wazowski!"

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