I will always love you

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okay the REAL decision is revealed today! Last chap was April fools one so calm down

lmk what you think and vote pls :) love y'all

"You look like you could use a smoke."

He looks up to see Shoko with a cigarette between her lips. A bright flame lit in the bud and acts as the only source of light amid the evening sky.

"Hey Ieri.." 

"Oh, well that wasn't a very warm welcome." She points out his bothered tone as he slugged down on the bench with cascaded shoulders. He looked lost in thought.

She sits right next to him but he doesn't say anything. She crosses her legs and takes a look at him as she smokes her cigarette.

"What? Still feeling bad about what you did at the hospital days ago?"

He sighed and looked up to the sky before closing them with regret,

"I'm sorry about what happened, Ieri.." He starts off. She didn't really expect an apology from him. She was merely joking at the boy.

"I acted out of anger and emotion and for that, I'm sorry to you and your staff. I should thank you some more since you've kept Yuji being here a secret, after all.."

Shoko was out covering for these kids.

The elders had no idea Yuji was walking around campus now that barrier had been breach, but also, they have no idea about the journey some of them will embark to attend these Culling Games their rival has conducted.

They're on their second to last day here before they depart. And it's been a day since Kei's disaster with Nobara and Mai.

She waves a hand at him,

"Ah it was nothing. But I also got to apologize to you. I tried to knock you down with a sleeping serum. After that whole situation, I realized that that might've been a very, bad move.."

"It's alright.."

The two stay silent a bit. Until Ieri leans back against the bench and finally asked,

"So, I heard you're caught up in some girl trouble? Well, two girls actually.."


He looks at her with a hand reaching out,

"Okay, maybe I could use that cigarette."

He yanks the box from her breast pocket, takes a single one. She gives him the lighter and he ignites it by himself.

He takes it in and immediately he starts to cough, not use to the burn feeling clawing down his throat.

"Oh fuck! Oh shit..O-Okay, this isn't for me."

She shrugs,

"You did that to yourself, kid."

She starts to laugh to herself as Kei stomps on it. A perfectly wasted cigarette.

"I always thought Megumi would be the ladies man but you?! I never saw it coming. You were always so shy when I first met you!

Rumors have it that you and Nobara called things off and you're with Mai now.."

Who the hell was spreading this? I mean, why is this more important than the real world problems?

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