Where do we stand?

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PTSD isn't something a fifteen year old should ever experience. Or anyone, for that matter.

But then there's KEI MURASAKI— a boy who as of late, been waking up screaming from the reoccurring nightmares.

He still can't rattle away the image of Nobara's eye exploding right in front of him. His skin runs cold, thinking of how her blood spilled on his face.

Then there's another scene he can't stop thinking and it's of the torture he endured after he was captured by Kamo.

He can hear his own blood curling screams again as the evil sorcerer whips him with thorns forge by his own blood.

They'd cut his limbs and reforge them all over again. The cycle would repeat, all just for his foes to get a kick of seeing a teenage boy cry in agony before they stuff a curse womb down his throat.

He wakes up again, making noise and Nanako comes running in to see what's all the commotion about.

He pants heavily as he clutches his chest, trying to pace his breathing. Nanako disturbs his privacy and leans way too close for his liking, placing her hands on his shoulders.

Once she does, he looks at her with an ungrateful desire so strong that it scares her when she meets his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing here?" He asked as she leans back a bit.

"I-I'm sorry, I heard your screams and I just wanted to help you."

He did not even know the girl so well and suddenly she's acting too nice to him.

It irked him the wrong way when earlier, she compared him to Getou Suguru.

He gagged at the realization that she might potentially see him as her old master.

"M-Master Getou would have bad dreams too, so I'd comfort him with everything I got-" She says, running her fingers at her chest.

He stops her abruptly by grabbing her fingers and throwing them away. He comes closer, zooming in with a more menacing state.

"I'm not Getou. Get out of this room, right now or his body won't come home to you guys."

She gasped in horror before plopping out of his bed and leaving him to himself.

He sighs in relief before falling back down, staring at the ceiling.

It's sunrise and Kei decides to make an early departure in finding Yuji.

He cared much of what the pink hair was going through. In a way, the both were in the same bubble. The two blamed themselves for the lost of so many good people they worked with.

But Yuji had a life to make for himself, Kei felt he did not. He felt like a slave of his lineage, who all were the same: wicked and acted upon bad emotion.

He walks to Shibuya and already spots an enemy, but an unexpected one.

"Huh? Hey, kid, why are you here?" He asked in annoyance. Kei walks up to the plate and meets face to face with the NAOYA ZENIN.

The two blondes have a stare down before Naoya gives a cocky grin.

"Everyone's been looking for you at the school. What, did you run away like the crybaby you are? Like how you did at the Zenin household?

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