One on One with Nobara

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Nobara woke up in her new dorm, stretching out her hands as she hoisted her body out of her bed. She looks around the boxes and unpacked bags littered around her room, but she shrugs to herself.

'Eh, whatever. I can always do it later today.'

More importantly, she wanted to take advantage of draining her wallet by going to several Tokyo malls nearby. As if the souvenirs were enough.

'I definitely need some cute clothes..' She thought to herself, looking down at the boxes that had some 'boring' clothes back from home. 

She goes out and opens her window, getting a good view of the vast garden of the school and the uphill nearby, leading to a forest in the background.

The birds sing and she leans in, taking a wisp of air and letting out a relief sigh.

'"I wish you could see this Saori.." Nobara mutters to herself, hoping one day she'll see her friend here in Tokyo.

Suddenly, a figure appears in front of the hill. They stare at it for a long time before deciding to jab his cane against the ground, forcing himself to climb up.

Nobara looks confused and squints her eyes, only for them to widen up a bit.

"Is that Kei..walking?"

Every morning, Kei tried to make an effort to strengthen his legs. Whenever he felt he could walk this time, he immediately made it a morning thing to climb up the hill over and over again.

His legs tremble a bit but he tries to stay firm with the cane on his side. He huffs to himself, pushing up his sleeves before planting his feet tight to the ground.

He marches his way up, telling himself to focus so his legs wouldn't shake up some more. But then he did, catching himself with his cane. He pants again before regaining himself.

'I have to try and endure this curse! There's no way I'm letting this become part of my life no more!'

He does it again until his tracks stop when he hears someone familiar calling out,

"Hey Kei! What are you doing?" Nobara.

He shakes his head a bit and tries to straighten himself, refusing to be so bashful around her like yesterday.

'She's just like any other person," He thought. "Be yourself, please Kei?"

The same sarcastic and teasing old Kei

"Morning Kugisaki." Kei waves, trying to act normal. Instead of the basic boring talk, he decided to mention something he witnessed last night.

He smirks and plops out his phone. "Or should I say @Duhitsnobara.."

She too then stops walking and looks at him with a blank stare before she starts to panic.

"Hey, how'd you find my tik tok?!" She asks and Kei waves his phone around at her.

"Big brother showed it to me," He jokes and she only glares at me. "I'm kidding but I'm serious when I say it's all coincidence."

"That's crazy! I thought no one here would ever find it."

"I tend to be on tik tok, like a lot.." Kei mutters, before shoving his phone down to his pocket.

He's no participant by any means, but a lurker without any followers but thousands of following.

"I think it was bound to happen," Kei smiles. "But I did like that video of you filming us all on our phones at the restaurant with party lights in the background."

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