The First Kiss

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The first kiss y'all.

As alwayss don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter. Def let me know you think!

Once he trapped Getou and his blasted monster into the domain, Kei thought it was going to be all over for them.

Until, Nobara came.

He gasped when he saw the girl fall in and then anger rushed into his body.

"NOBS!" He screams, as his body is being levitated away from her. He's panicking and she looks around to see memories all over the her.

Memories of Kei's past.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU COME?" She looks at him scared. He's never spoken to her like that but she tries to stay strong.

"I-I didn't leave you on your own, Kei!" She says and she looks close to see tears running down his eyes.

"You don't get it!" He cries, "I can't control this."

"WHAT?" And then the domain starts. Getou chuckles, thinking his domain was just some memory lane.

Until everything grows pitch black and everything became a living nightmare.

A loud, violent screech soars into the room and Getou is blown away. The monsters of his dream appear and began to attack the monster, munching down on its body.

Kei has slight hope, thinking they were so focused on his enemy until..

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Nobara screams and Kei looks down to see his dead mother and father sinking her down to a pool of black blood.

"Kei, stop this!!"

Kei begins to shake his head.

"No, leave her alone!" He roars, reaching a hand and pulling his dead mother and father up but they keep sinking down.

'They're not listening to a word I say!'

Getou manages to stay afloat, dodging and counter attacking against the monsters thrown at him.

But he kept witnessing his own creatures being destroyed and less stronger to Kei's.

'This boys domain is strong.' Getou notes with blood running down his ears and nose from the screeching.

It felt like it was driving him insane inside.

Kei was so close to killing him but with Nobara in danger, he now had to choose.

Avenging his parents or saving Nobara.

He tries to control his parents but nothing is working. All the living and the dead were going crazy on their own.

Kei closes his eyes tightly and starts to cry, knowing he had to make a sacrifice.

"I'm sorry, mom and dad."

He then with all his mignt, vaporizes his parents and they let go of Nobara.

The barrier then shatters, the domain falling apart.

The three fall out of it, with Kei collapsing on top of Nobara.

"He's escaping!" Momo cried out and suddenly he vanished in thin air while she was chasing him.

"Why did you do that, Kugisaki?!" Mai screamed at the girl. "You could've let Kei do his thing! Maybe he wouldn't have escaped because of you!"

Nobara looks down to herself..

"It' fault?"

Kei finally speaks,

"No, enough!" He stops the two before looking at them, completely broken.

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