"I think I love you, kei"

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I ended up changing the title last minute XD but yes this is part two!

CHAPTER: "I think I love you, Kei" 

She was certain this would be first win. She smiled widely, seizing the moment of Maki stared at the bullet coming close to her face.

The short-hair twin bluffed when she shot a bullet out of nothing, after running out of the six bullets she had in her revolver.

"I hate you!" She declared with all of her heart.

'I never got to introduce you to this technique..I never got to confess my first crush to you, the crush who so happens to be on your team.'

One thing Mai forgot about her sister though is that she never relents, and the bullet coming straight at her wasn't going to stop her.

Maki acts quickly and with her free hand, she grabs the bullet and the cursed energy detonates inside of it. She shakes her now injured hand, hissing at the slight pain.

Mai could only stop and look at her with pure fright.

"I-I lost.."

She throws a fit, trying to hit her or throw dirt at her face. Anything she can to stop her sister. But as said,

She never relents

And Mai felt defeated, her whole mind swarming over the idea that she can never be good, good at anything for that matter.

She cries, completely enraged over her loss. She chokes on her sobs as Maki leaves her, giving her final word that all she's doing is for her.

"LIAR!" She yells out, succumbing to her own sadness. She thinks she's left alone when minutes later, she hears a voice reaching out to her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mai.." Kei says with a taunt voice Mai finds herself doing towards him.

She trembled at his approach and realized he felt so high and mighty seeing her like this, on the floor in defeat. She didn't dare to look in his eyes and buried her face further down.

"I just finished killing some spirits." Kei added, "You know, the ones you were supposed to kill before you got ambushed."

Provoked, she lifted her head up to stare back with such intensity. His arrogance all over him faltered and he tilted his head at her,

"Mai..are you crying?" She rubs her eyes so hard at that and looks away.

"Leave me alone.." She says so quietly.

"Sorry, I know I'm not the last person you want to talk to.." He says, his hands up in defense. "But what h-"

"Maki happened!" She snapped, snarling in anger over her fate. She slams her hands against the ground beneath her.

"Why won't you go after her? I'm out of the damn fight!"

She shakes her head as Kei still looks at her, so worried. Even if she had picked on him in the past, he's never seen her at her breaking point.

Part of him wants to help her.

"You won.." She murmured..

"What?" He asked.

"Ugh, I said you won!" Mai cries out, "You and my sister! I thought I could be better and surpass people like you, but I was wrong!"

Anxiety began to heighten her chest, feeling as if she could not breath. More tears sting as they pass down to her cheeks.

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