Ready, set, go!

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All hell broke loose for Yuji when his entrance triggered a negative reaction to Kugisaki. Similar to Kei's incident, she boiled down into her anger.

Then she got even more mad at him, as her resurrected classmate made her break down into tears. Along with Kei, who does the same and was getting emotional about the whole thing.

Megumi smiled, deep down something in his heart knew Yuji was able to escape death. He was that type of guy.

Nobara then decided to punish the pink hair boy, suddenly yanking a frame used for the deceased and forced him to carry it around his head.

"Can I please take it off?" He whimpered, looking at Nobara who had her back against him.

"Shut up, just stay still a little longer!" She scolded at the boy while Kei wipes away the last tears.

"Cut him some slack, Nobs," Kei murmured, "Just like me, I'm sure he didn't want all of that to happen."

"It's not like he wanted to die back there." Panda added and Yuji looked at him with confusion.

"The Panda can talk!"

"Salmon, Salmon." Toge mutters.

"Uh, what did you say?"

Megumi explains about his cursed speech powers, prompting that he needs to use rice ball ingredients as safe words. Kei was just so happy to see his friend here, even if Yuji and Nobara found themselves arguing in front of everyone.

Kei reaches to hug his friend and Yuji is taken aback, as he's never seen this more affectionate side of his classmate. But he was more stunned over how the capsules had allow Kei to walk around without that cane of his.

Yuji pouted, realizing he was a bit taller than he is.

"The whole world was less exciting without you, Yuji," The blonde muttered, cheek to cheek. "I'm so glad you are here."

"Likewise, Kei-kun!" He beamed with joy.

"That's sweet and all, but we all gotta focus at the task at hand," Maki coughs and interrupts the two, leaning nearby the window.

"With Yuji here, we might as well tell the plan now."


After the talk, they found themselves on the field, the opposite side of the other team. Yuji looked around, content to be with the people he cared about.

But a pang of guiltiness was in his heart, upset his friends had to keep him alive because the elder next to Yaga kept eyeing him with a menacing look.

'He wants me dead' Yuji thought and told the others, who didn't hesitate to say they would protect him at all cost.

Kei sat in his chair, a bit ahead of them for the sake of plan.

"Overwhelm them!" Nobara chants, raising a fist in the air with proud enthusiasm. The confident leader, Maki stared at Yuji,

"You ready, Itadori?"

Yuji press his fist against the other,

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

'I have to be strong for my friends' Yuji pondered, reminiscing of Junpei and his lost not too long ago.

Once Gojo blew the signal, everyone began to disburse and left Kei to head to the center of the forest arena.

It isn't too long till he finds himself completely surrounded by the Kyoto students.

"Aww, where are your friends?" Mai taunts, readying her pistol from afar in case Kei pulls a stunt.

"Did they leave cause you were too slow?" She snickered with a smile on her face but Kei starts to pull an unbelievable act.

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