lady death

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The withdrawal kicked in as he climbed up the stairs coming from the large garage below his home. His gloved hand patted the back of his throbbing head while the other hand held a white sac with sugar powdered beignets for him to eat. He only ordered two but the lady at the cafe snuck a third one for him for free.

He sat the sac down on the coffee table and sighed happily to be back at home. The luxurious, spacious living room with the big view of the city stood behind him as he walked over to the refrigerator for a cold water. Kei gave a quick scowl when he saw that the fridge had been occupied with a dozen beer bottles and a half opened can of sardines. Seriously, who would leave that there?

'Marcus..' He answered but he couldn't complain too much. He was living in this place rent free thanks to him so he had to deal with Marcus' habits. He heard a pair of flip flops pat against the marble floor and Kei turns around with a smile to see that his roommate returned from his trip to italy. The short man walking over to him in a silk bathrobe with a clean shave on his face. The darker man smiled happily to see Kei.

"Look who has returned!" The man said with open arms. Kei came into a quick embrace before taking a sip of water,

"How was your trip to Italy?"

"Good, good. Always nice to see my family." He grinned before heading to the fridge. He picks up a beer from the pack and slams the door shut.

Marcus had been his first friend when he came to Paris, France. He is five years older than him and while still young, he lives in fortune and luxury. His family is the cause of this, as his father runs a business, selling and crafting the finest of watches. All bathed in rich gold, the most popular of items have made him and his family live in comfort. His mother had also run a fashion company. He's not born in France but in Italy.

He found him in a time where he wanted to escape. Escape from his old live and cut all possible ties with anyone he knew and loved. When Kei finally landed here to France, escorts waited for him. Gojo had originally intended for him to sit comfortably at a fancy hotel until the coast is clear for him to return. But after contemplation, Kei knew it would be best if he never saw that man again. He remembered those words. He hurt them. The people he loved. Why should he bother staying in their lives if that's the case?

So when he saw the men in suits wait for him, a sign in their hands calling for a "Kei Murasaki", the boy bolted out of the airport and they ran after him. They called and screamed for him to return but he made a swift escape and when they slammed open the doors from the outside, they found themselves in a crowd full of no ones. Kei was never to be seen again.

He got rid of his old phone. Changed his last name to Oshu so they couldn't try to track him down. And with what money he had, he scrambled to find a place to settle but the city of Paris is costly. He struggled finding a place for himself and in between fighting curses and killing rogue sorcerers, he slept in a dumpster or in a comfortable corner of an alley. Capturing or killing sorcerers had returned him merit and he slowly was stepping up in the financial department, but he still didn't have enough for permanent housing. Until, he met Marcus.

When Marcus found out he had been the one acting as jury and executioner against the rise of rogue sorcerers, he was ecstatic. Like he had found the perfect breed to groom. He took in Kei, allowed himself to bath in his million dollar house. To eat the finest of pastas and drink the finest wines. Kei wore the most expensive sleepwear he's ever wore and when he asked why, Marcus said he had to. In fact, Marcus thinks that his meeting with Kei is a sign of good fortune. When word came out that Marcus was spending time with a sorcerer, his popularity status grew. Then, Marcus offered a proposal. He got to live in this house as long as he wanted, so long as helped marketed or promote his profile and family business.

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