Pain and Pleasure

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Kei blankly stares at the wall, his mind is trying to put the pieces together.

Him and Nobs laid next to each other, completely naked.

The two panted a bit, still looking up before they both turned their bodies toward each other. He then pulls the blankets over them again before launching her with kisses again.

He hovers with her, peppering her with kisses on her lips to her cheeks. She laughs at all the affection, looping her arms around his neck to pull him closer.

The two stay like that in silence, basking in each other's heat as their naked bodies pressed as close as they can.

[ Disclaimer: Sexual content. I will let you know when it is done for those who do not want to see. ]

He had to admit not too long ago, he was a nervous wreck.

But can you blame him? He never had sex with anyone up until this moment.

It was both him and Nobara's first time and yet, he wanted to make it so special it made him nervous.

Nobs though, was greedy, desperately trying to undo all his buttons while straddling him on his lap. He was shocked by her fast actions but he had to catch up.

The two made out while undressing each other, his trembling hands reaching under the hem of her shirt, pulling it off to free her body.

He blushed, seeing her down to her pink bra and panties, while he stood in his boxers. She smiles, rubbing herself on him some more.

Her smile only widens when he groans and she starts to feel something poking her.

"I-I'm sorry.." He rasped out, embarrassed what was going on down there.

She shushing him, whispering into his ear.

"It's okay, Kei. Just try to relax and let things unfold." She kisses him before pushing him down lightly against the bed.

She bends down and slowly slides off the piece of cloth hiding his member. It pops out immediately and Kei starts to fluster. 

"Woah, Kei.." She says, staring at it with amazement, "You're kinda..big."

"Nobs, don't say things like that!" His mouth starts to twitch, his cheeks turning so hot and red.

"Well, at least I can show off to that dumb bitch now."

She hums, stroking a soft hand over him. She starts moving up and down at his flesh, earning soft moans from him.

He covered his mouth from saying anymore. His eyes then shot wide open when he feels her hot lips sucking the tip then proceeding to put his dick entirely inside of her mouth.

"N-Nobara!" He cries out, feeling his sore knees widen a bit as she sucked him. He could not handle it, feeling his hand reach a chunk of her hair.

He forces her to bob down a bit more and she obeys, staring into his eyes as she does so.

'Shit I think I'm gonna-'

No. He shook his head, releasing her.

Her mouth lets go and she looks at him confused, drool etching down the side of her lips.

"Kei, baby, why didn't you come?"

Suddenly, his demeanor changed and they swapped places. He trapped her in his arms, staring down with a sudden determination.

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