Happy birthday, love

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Kei hears a loud knock on his door and he writhes out of bed, rubbing the back of his messy hair.

He lets out a yawn and wonders who could be knocking at his door at this late hour. He opens it every so slightly but the door on the other side was pulled all the way.

His whole world explodes with color. His eyes brim with excitement, his heart beats with joy at the sight of all sorts of confetti blowing up on his face and everyone  cheering in front of him.


He takes a big breath of relief,

"Oh thank god,

A normal chapter."

The happy birthday special!

March 22nd is the day Kei Murasaki was born into this world and the trio of Jujutsu High were so excited to surprise with decor. Gojo Satoru brought out a delicious vanilla cupcake with sprinkles with a candle on top.

The light slowly makes its way in Kei's room as they sang,

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

"Happy birthday to our dear precious Kei~"

"Happy birthday to you!"

Nobara jumps next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder after they sang. She leans in, giving a big smooch on the cheek and they flush in delight.

"Make a wish, Kei," She tells him and he looks at her with a grateful expression before looking down at the cupcake.

"Yeah, anything you want!" Yuji beams and leans close to his friend, awaiting for him to declare what wish it would be.

"Well in that case," Kei smiles. "I wish for more happiness and love in my life, the same goes for you guys! You all mean so much to me."

'A selfless wish,' Megumi thinks but he and the others melted over his words and the big smile he displayed so confidently.

He closed his eyes and the light in the room faded, with the sounds of more cheering following  right after.

It's late midnight but everybody is in such high spirits. Nobara exclaims about the big birthday plan they had for Kei,

"You better wake up early Kei cause later today, we got all sorts of plans for you!" Kei holds onto her, rubbing his cheek against hers.

"Aww, you're the best! But you guys don't have to go all out for me!" He chuckles and she nudges him a bit,

"Of course we're going to go all out, it is YOUR  birthday!"

"Y-Yeah, but I feel a little bad since you guys already spent lots on Yuji's birthday bash two days ago."

Yuji pops into the conversation after hearing the last words he said. He simply shakes his head,

"Oh come on, Kei! You're in the sixteen year old club too, so we gotta commemorate that!" The pink hair boy smiles and shows off the hunger games pin he wore proudly on his jacket,

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