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"It's not his body.."

Shoko says over the phone with a cigarette between her lips as she looks down at the body that was supposed to be Kei Murasaki

"What?! How can you be certain?" Principal Yaga shouts through his end. "We literally identified him three days ago."

"Yes, it appears there was sorcery work used to make this body look a lot like the boy," She frowned and then covers the unknown victim with the white sheets.

She finds herself pacing around the morgue and has to admit that she took was spook to find that the first-year's appearance changed, revealing the true identity of the patient.


Where is he?"


Mai stays in her spot as Koji stood in front of her, his head hung down and holding his jaw. He was still, like a machine that ran out of battery.

He was much more occupied on his inner battle. He finds himself in a dark abyss or the mind that had Kei and his conscious battling one another.

"How are you not dead?" The spirit snarls at the boy.

"Any human can easily be taken over by the death paintings but I'm no mere human," The boy retorts,

"I'm a jujutsu sorcerer and when I say I'm going to exorcise spirits like you, I fuckin mean it."

Even if it meant killing himself in the process.

Kei overwhelms him and suddenly finds himself surrounded by the school Kojo caused havoc in. The floor beneath him was crumbled by the cursed energy Koji used.

He looks around, his breath hitch when he sees dead bodies of..children littered around the premise.

Utahime and Miwa, unconscious from the blast and Kamo was barely on his feet. He sustained injuries on his right shoulder, blood seeping out of it.

He pants so hard until he looks in front of him.

"Mai.." He whispered to the girl and her eyes blink in confusion when the voice out of his lips sounded like the boy she liked.

She slowly gets up on her feet but she does not get closer until she made sure it was really him.


"Mai, you have to listen to me!" He demands, not wanting to waste any time. Even though he assumed control he only had so much time before the devil inside of him took over once more.

"Is it really you?" She asked quickly and he nods at her, grunting as his head starts to spin.

"Y-es, it's me!" He says, "Look, I don't have much time but you have to tell the Tokyo school that the cursed spirits..are..ergh...forging an alliance with curse users. They are plotting a scheme on October 31st, Shibuya.."

"They're going to try to capture Gojo! I don't know more details how b-but you have to warn them. PLEASE!"

He cries out, feeling the dark spirit inside claw and pull him down. His grasp on his body slowly starts to untangle itself as he screams at Mai with every information he knew

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