Plans and a Confession

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Maki, Nobara and Kei found themselves heading the clinic as both Panda and Toge made haste before them, tending to an injured Megumi.

Nobara groans from the injury she got from Mai's gun, rubbing her cheek and Kei looks at her with a frown.

"Damn, Maki-senpai.." Nobara grunts, "Why does your twin gotta be such a bitch?"

"She really didn't have to go that far," Kei commented on the situation, "Especially that Todo, that crazy ape-"

Maki shrugs with the cursed tool rested over her shoulder,

"Who knows. Ever since I left the Zenin family, she's been nothing like that towards me too."

"Senpai, she said you can't control curse energy when we both it true?"

"That's right. I can't imbue tools like you and Kei can. I even need glasses to see these type of spirits," She said, taking off her glasses to show em off to the first year.

"T-Then why become a sorcerer?"

Maki laughs before stopping at her tracks, completely looking at the two behind her,

"To spite my family." Nobara grins at her answer, "They regarded me as a failure for the lack of curse energy I have, but wait till you see when their faces when I become strong enough to even surpass them!"

Kei smirks at her confident tone,

"That's Maki. She's one of the best."

"Senpai, I really admire you!" Nobara cries out, leaning against her.

"Is that so?" Maki questions, "That means a lot. If only my sister felt that way about me."

"Speaking of.." Nobara backs away a bit from Maki before looking at Kei,

"Hot wheels? Seriously, what does she mean by that?"

Kei rolls his eyes at that name,

"I'm just as confused as you, Nobs."

"I mean, what is she to you? For real?"

Still confused, but Kei tries to make assumptions,

"Uh, I don't know. Rivals? Enemies? You'd think I'd know but I don't. One day, she woke up and chose violence..on me."

Nobara blinks in confusion, "You mean she hurt you before?"

"Not exactly physical. But she'd exchange the occasional "You're so ugly" and the wheelchair insults, that type of thing."

"I hate this girl even more now!" Nobara shouts with a fist in the air, angry over the mistreatment towards Kei.

"No offense, Maki.."

Maki chimes in on the topic, "None taken. Heck, even I still don't know why out of all people, she dislikes Kei so much."

She then laughs, "But you know when some girls are mean to some guys, it could just mean they actually like them. Soo.."

Kei burst out laughing at that before she could even continue.

"Yeah fuckin right," He said in disbelief, "Cause someone who jokes about me not being able
to get with anyone is a total sign of someone liking me."

He then puts his hands out and shrugs in his chair,

"But I mean, she's not entirely wrong."

"Oh Kei, You're not bad looking at all! The fuck are you saying-"  Nobara confesses, earning a blush from on his face by  the sudden outburst.

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