The talk with Mai ( short )

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"Hey, why hasn't Mechamaru answered his calls?" Mai asked Momo through her cellphone.

"No idea.." Momo muttered, rubbing her wounded cheek. "But last time, I saw him with Panda."

She refused to believe Mechamaru out of all people was defeated by some curse doll. Even cursed to herself about the entire situation, already her team was falling apart.

"What are you going to do now, Mai?" Momo asked after some silence. Mai smiles, hoping momo can hear her confidence.

"I'm going to look for either my dear sister or Kei for a friendly chat," She states as she reloads her gun. "Don't worry about me, Momo. Go out there and help the others.."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She nods, "I'm certain."

Momo lets out a sigh and now feels worried for her best friend,

"And Momo.." Mai calls out to her. "Thank you for supporting me.."

Momo knew what the girl meant. She almost chuckled to herself, realizing that she was so loud speaking to Nobara that even Mai was able to catch a few words in.


The girls hung up and before Mai could get up after crouching, she turned and her blood ran cold.

Her sister, staring right at her.

It was no dream.

"What? Aren't you going to greet your "Onee-chan"?" Mai tries to remain cool as her sister points Miwa's blade at her with a cocky grin.

"There are so many ways to enjoy this.." Mai began to say, before pointing her gun at her.

"Don't fuckin smile at me like that!" She roars before she takes a shot, a sound of fire now echoing in the air.

Kei can hear that so close to him now. He fought three spirits already and grew so bored, wanting to fight against anyone.

Even Mai, he thought to himself. It isn't long though until he hears the sound of a broom whistling in the air and Momo on it, unaware he's below her.

She looked like she was retreating a bit, some wounds already stained on her cheeks.

"OI!" Momo quickly looks down and her eyes widened. supreme merch?!

( Author-chan: Nah, I'm just kidding //.// )

She looks down and before she could react, her broom is pulled down by his wires. She goes down and down, until she decides to throw a gust of wind at him. Dirt goes right to his eyes, making him release the wires and rubbing his eyes profusely.

He gains his vision back and sees her heading straight at him, with the tip of the broom. He then ducks and grabs a hold of her broom. His cursed energy began to scatter around it.

He then forces the broom to flip over, forcing the girl to fall on her butt. She cried out, reaching for it but it disobeyed her commands. With a flick of his hand, he sends the broom flying past the forest until it isn't seen again.

"Looks like you just missed your ride." Kei jokes with a teasing smile on his face, looking down at Momo fully aware that she could not fight back.

"Y-You're such an asshole!" Momo cries out, throwing punches at Kei who blocks them with his hands.

"If you start running now, maybe you can catch up to it." Kei says, getting close to her face. And she grimaces at the boy before shoving him off.

"Ugh, I can't believe you!" The witch no more starts to stomp her way to the direction of the broom. "And I can't believe Mai for liking you so much!"

He looked at her, puzzled before laughing.

"You fell too hard, didn't you?"

"It's true, you damn nit wit!" She cries out, her hands waving in the air as she continues to walk away from him.

"Haha, you're so funny Momo! Good one for trying to catch me off guard." Kei laughed it off again, rubbing the back of his head. She didn't answer again and kept on walking her way to the broom, cursing insults at him all to herself.

"By the time she reaches her broom, the event will be at an end." Kei says to himself before parting ways, curiously reaching at the sound of gun noise.

But the more he got closer,

The more he heard nothing all over again.

'Did the fighting end so soon?' He asked himself, stepping on a puddle on the way to his destination.

He suddenly hears footsteps running away from his direction and he tries to follow to see who it is, but he stops when he crosses a certain tree.

He slowly walks up to it and sees a figure, crouching and resting their back against the bulk of the tree. Their heads buried on top of their knees.

It was a girl, a familiar someone he knew.

He tried to not make noise and observed, only for him to gasp.

It's Mai.

He lowered his guard down a bit.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mai.." He tries to act cool, his shoulders laid back as he now made his presence known.


Silence was her answer and he can't help but pout, annoyed at her out of character attitude.

"I just finished killing some spirits. You know, the ones you were supposed to kill before we ambushed you all."

She suddenly lifted her head up and he wished he kept his mouth shot.

Dry blood stained on her chin with rough patches on her cheeks. And what else?

Tears lingering out of her eyes.

"Mai.." He now says, in a soft tone. A bit worried, actually. "Are you..crying?"

Things were going to go down with these too. The long, anticipated quarrel that they needed to have.


Sorry that the chapter was so short but I really wanted to split it into two parts instead of making it a long ass chapter!

Guys, thank you so much for reading this story! I can't express how much it means. I don't know if it's a glitch or not, but my story is #1 under the Nobara Kugisaki hashtag and that is AMAZING!!!

Anyways y'all, like and comment on this story! Things are going to be more spicy later too lol.

With Mai or Nobs? Guess you will have to see! - Rini

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