Dinner and Nostalgia

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"Alright guys, who wants some food? It's On me!" Gojo cheers with a thumbs up, earning a pleased smile on Kei's face.

"Sure, I actually wouldn't mind getting some grub," He says, "But where to?"

"Oh, I know, I know, I know!" Yuji yells in excitement, jumping up and down. "Let's go to a steakhouse!"

"A steakhouse?! Are you freaking kidding me? Sushi is where it's at!" She shoots back with a hostile stare at Yuji, who starts to slouch and back away from her nervously.

"We can go to the sushi places that have them spinning like those Merry- go- round sushi joints!"

"No way! Steak sounds so much better. No one wants cold sushi, anyways.."

"You have no taste, Yuji! Yo-" Before she could utter another word, Kei intervened.

"Kids, Kids." He calmly says, and the whole 'kid' comment flew over their heads. "I know some place here that can get both of what you want. It's a family restaurant here that's pretty good and has lots of things to offer.!"

"Lots to offer?! Oh boy, that sounds amazing." Nobara gasps and looks both at Yuji and Kei with a bright smile on her face, her angry demeanor no more.

"Then it's settled!" Gojo calls out with a firm finger in the air. "We'll go there and eat like the kings and queens we are!" He laughs, reaching over to Kei's handles.

"Megumi, you coming?"

"..." Silence comes from Megumi as he scrolls through his phone with his long ass finger. Gojo stares at him with a struck expression, his mouth agape. Before he pushes the handles and starts strolling Kei away from him, along with Nobara and Yuji by his side.

"Alright, let's go."

"W-Wait a second!" Megumi shoots his attention away from the phone before tagging along with the four.


Yoi Yorokobi hasn't changed after so many years establishing its restaurant. The group was taken to an enormous booth near on the left side of the restaurant, showing off a window few of the inside of the busy streets of Roppongi. As Kei makes his way past other tables, he notices a young blonde child sitting with his father and mother.

The boy smiles in delight, hands clasped together with chopsticks in hand when given his beef udon. The father, seeing his son be so happy, smiles too. And helps him proportion it into another small bowl.

Kei sadly smiles at them before turning away,

'Reminds me of the memories I made here with you guys..I miss you both so much'

The five all sat together, Kei next to Nobara while Yuji next to Gojo and Megumi . Nobara looks out with a slight blush forming around her cheeks.

"Woahh, this is soo cool! Look at the busy streets and the cool places I can go to!" She says eyeing people make their way in the cross streets, being surrounded by hostess bars and shopping malls all around.

"Yeah and the filthy clubs and dirty streets.." Megumi mutters and Gojo rolls his eyes behind his mask.

"Aw, don't be such a party pooper, Megumi!" Gojo complains, receiving a look from Megumi. "We can go check it out after this, if you want?"

"Uh duuh, of course I want to!" She shouts enough for people to hear. Gojo rubs the back of his head.

"Geez, don't be so loud!" Yuji whines before the waitress makes her way to their table. Gojo smirks at her.

"Hey guys, welcome! May I take your order, starting with any drinks?" She asks with a bright smile and can-do spirit.

"Is your phone number on the menu, cutie?" Gojo pulls down his blind fold to woo the girl with his eyes, she looks at him with an astonished look.

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