I'm yours

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"I made a deal with Sukuna.."

He whimpers out and Nobara stays frozen on her side of the bed, shook to the core. She backs off and looks over at him, who stared back a bit in fear.

"-You what?" She heard him the first time but she couldn't believe it. H hung his head down and began to profusely explain,

"I-It all just happened! I didn't really have much of a choice, but basically when I was a curse womb, he managed to pull me inside of him. He then offered to bring me back without the curse on my legs if in exchange,...I give him a new body."

"Oh my god.." She nearly gasped.

"It was a double edge sword. If I said no, then I wouldn't be here right now.." He continues to explain. His voice cracks and tries to bury his ashamed emotions.

"H-He wants me to force Megumi to make a body...or, that I make one from scratch for him using my own domain. I'm essentially the backup, he calls it."

He looks at Nobara and she still has the reaction. Her face was killing him. He looks with a tearful expression,

"Nobs, please, I never wanted to do this but what other choice did I have?! If I said no, that meant I couldn't be with you anymore. I know it's selfish and I should've been smart about it and say no. I'm sorry, I-"

"Shut it, Kei. Just shut it!" She clasped a hand over his mouth, silencing his cries. She looks at him boldly.

"Kei, I'm upset that you didn't tell me this sooner. It makes soo much sense over the fact that you've been blaming yourself for awhile now. You can't forgive yourself cause of this."

Her grip loosens and her hand falls down and he stares at her. Her face didn't strain any longer and now, she wants to comfort him now.


It's not your fault."

"What?" He shakes his head, "But I chose my selfish dream instead of thinking what mankind will have to deal with now!"

"Shut up!"

He's taken aback but lets her speak.

"Just shut up, Kei. Look, you've always been selfless and you always looked out for people before you. I know you!"

"Kei, what do you want?" 

"What do you mean?"

"In life? Your dreams, your pursuit! What's the one thing you want so badly."

He shakes in his spot but dammit, he had to tell her. He looks at her before admitting it,

"I-I want to live.." He croaked with pitiful eyes. "I didn't want to die. I wanted to be with you guys! You, Megumi, Yuji. Gojo-sensei! I still do."

He shakes his head,

"You guys are the only ones I care about!" 

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