Revenge over You

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Heyo guys! I hope you are enjoying this story. 

Please comment and vote, let me know what you guys think!

Anyways enjoy. The next chapter might be a tear jerker for some. Who knows??


It was a Saturday morning and Kei and Nobara slept in together. 

Her whole body is completely sprawled over him as he holds her close, her hand around her torso and another behind his head against the pillow. 

They had been exhausted from fighting the death paintings and all they could think about was a late night snack and sleep.

The four went out for some ramen prior to their slumber. They didn't care if people gave judgmental stares of them wearing their hoodies and pajama pants. 

The ramen was like seratonin to Kei cause after he gulped down the broth from his pork ramen, he felt more tired from it all. 

The two slept peacefully until a loud 'BUZZ' made the two jump out of their sleep. Kei cracks his eyes open and starts moving his hand around to find the vibrating phone of his. 

Nobara lifts her head up, coming up on Kei,

"Mm, who is it?" She says, showing off her bed head. Kei smiles, finding it adorable before looking at his screen.

His half lid eyes shot up at the name,

"Oh, it's principal yaga?!" 

"Oh, that's strange.." Nobara mutters, letting Kei take the call. He presses against his ear. 


"Murasaki? Are you free? I'm going to need to talk to you at the office. It's urgent." 

Kei blinks at this but doesn't press any questions. He knows he'll answer them if he goes in person. 

"Okay, I'll be there soon..." Silence follows. "Yes, eleven o'clock is fine. Okay, I'll see you. Bye." 

Kei hangs up and settles the phone to the drawer nearby as Nobara gets out of bed, putting her shorts back on while her boyfriend starts fixing the bed sheets.

"What did he want?" She asked.

"He wants to speak to me about something important, he said. He won't tell me what is though." 

"Hmm." She says, a bit worried for Kei but he looks back at her with a reassured look.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing something too serious."

"It's not that," She grumbled, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her gray hoodie. "You and me were going to go shopping with Yuji and Megumi today, no?" 

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