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I was nervous for Arizona to come over. I just wanted Charlotte to approve of her, which I knew she would, but I just hoped they got along. I brought Owen home once and Charlotte stayed in her room the whole time and it was awkward. She got along with James the two times I brought him over, but she was older now, so maybe it would be easier. And she was eager to meet Arizona. With James and Owen I kinda just sprung it on her. I got dressed and put some makeup on and walked down the hallway.
"Charlotte!" I said and knocked on her door.
"Dude I'm ready stop being so uptight because your girlfriend's coming over," she joked as she walked out into the hallway.
"Char," I chuckled.
"You're being uptight mom!" She laughed as she walked down the stairs, "you really think Arizona cares what your daughter is wearing? No."
"You look nice anyway," I said.
"I know, I actually put in effort for you," she laughed, "when is she coming over?"
"In like 15 minutes," I said.
"What's for dinner?" She asked.
"Chicken Alfredo," I said.
"Arizona can come over every night if that means you're actually going to cook," Charlotte joked.
"Okay enough," I laughed as I neatened up the kitchen.
"Was I supposed to clean my room?" Charlotte said.
"No, but is the hall bathroom not a mess at least?" I asked.
"Yeah it's neat," Charlotte said.
"Okay," I said.
"You're nervous," she observed.
"Am not," I said.
"Yes you are," she laughed.
"You've never liked anyone I brought home before," I chuckled.
"I was literally a kid," she laughed, "and they didn't like me that's not my fault."
"You're still a kid," I chuckled and kissed her head.
"I know," she complained. The doorbell rang and she smiled.
"She's here!" She smiled.
"Please don't embarrass me," I laughed as I walked into the living room. I opened the front door and Arizona smiled. Wow she looked so beautiful.
"Hi," I smiled, "come in."
"Hey," she smiled and kissed me.
"I have a very eager and excited teenager in the kitchen," I laughed.
"I'm excited to meet her," she said and kissed me again. I smiled as I closed the door and we walked into the kitchen. Charlotte smiled at us.
"Hi I'm Charlotte," She said, "my moms favorite child." Arizona chuckled and I smiled.
"Hi, I'm Arizona," Arizona said.
"Charlotte you're my only child," I laughed.
"That makes me your favorite," Charlotte said, "Arizona what kind of doctor are you?"
"Pediatric and Fetal surgeon," Arizona said.
"Wait fetal? So like before babies are born?" Charlotte said.
"Yeah, there surgeries that we can do in utero so babies before they are born," Arizona said.
"Mom I think your girlfriend is cooler than you," Charlotte said as she sat down. I'm glad they were getting along.
Charlotte was super funny. She was exactly like Amelia. They looked alike, talked alike, same humor. I love her. I don't know why Amelia was so worried about us meeting, I think it was going good. We were eating dinner in the kitchen together.
"What grade are you in?" I asked.
"10th," Charlotte said, "I hate it."
"You don't hate it," Amelia chuckled.
"Yes I do, it's horrible," Charlotte complained and I chuckled.
"You hate chemistry class Char," Amelia said.
"Oooh justifiably so," I said.
"Right!" Charlotte said, "it's so hard and for what? I don't want to be a chemist!"
"It's a fundamental science," Amelia chuckled.
"It's stupid," Charlotte said, "right Arizona?"
"Hey don't make me pick sides," I laughed.
"Fine," Charlotte said, "you'd pick mine though right?"
"Char," Amelia laughed.
"Fine," Charlotte said. I chuckled as the three of us finished dinner. After dinner Charlotte went upstairs and Amelia and I watched TV on the couch.
"She really likes you," Amelia said softly, "I can tell."
"Really?" I smiled, "I'm glad."
"Yeah," Amelia said, "she was so excited for you to come over."
"Well I was excited to come over," I smiled and kissed her. She giggled as I snuggled into her.
I loved Arizona. She was good for my mom, and my mom really liked her. It was different seeing her with a woman but it didn't bother me. I just wanted her to be happy, and she was. Arizona was funny, nice, and she was good to my mom. And she actually talked to me which was cool. I was in my room because I know mom and Arizona probably wanted alone time downstairs, and I had homework to do since I was the worlds biggest procrastinator. I grabbed my English textbook and started outlining the poem I had to read. After about an hour there was a knock at my door.
"Come in," I said. My mom opened the door and I smiled.
"Arizona's headed home why don't you go say goodbye," she said.
"Okay," I smiled. I got up and walked downstairs and Arizona was putting her jacket on.
"It was nice to meet you," I said.
"You too honey," she smiled and hugged me. My mom kissed her goodbye and walked her to her car. She came back in and I smiled at her.
"So?" My mom asked.
"I liked her," I said.
"You did?" She smiled.
"Of course I did," I said, "she's really nice to you."
"Yeah," she smiled.
"Look at you back in the dating game mom!" I smiled and hugged her, "she should come over again."
"Really?" My mom grinned.
"Well I can tell you plan on keeping her around," I said, "so yeah she should come over again."

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