seventy four

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Timeline: Arizona is 5 months pregnant
I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. I got up and walked into the bathroom and Arizona was starting her morning sickness. I frowned as I grabbed a hair tye off my wrist and pulled her hair back as I rubbed her back.
"Shhh it's okay baby," I said softly as I kissed her shoulder, "I got you it's okay."
"This sucks," Arizona said.
"I know," I said as I rubbed her back, "it'll be over soon." She threw up again and when she was done she cleaned up and we went back to bed to cuddle. Today we were finding out the genders. I was so excited. I couldn't wait. I ran my hand over Arizona's stomach and she smiled.
"I can't wait to know the genders," Arizona said.
"One of them better be a mini you," I laughed.
"I know," she chuckled. I kissed her as we fell back asleep together.
"Is Addison here yet?" I asked.
"She is coming in the lobby now," Amelia said and turned around and Addison walked through the front doors with a suitcase.
"Addie!" Amelia smiled and ran over to her and hugged her. Despite Addison being her brothers ex-wife Amelia and Addison were best friends from LA.
"I heard were expecting babies!" Addison smiled as she hugged me, "it's so good to see you guys." We walked up to the OBGYN wing and Addison started doing the ultrasound. I reached over and squeezed Amelia's hand and she smiled.
"We wanna know the genders right?" Addison smiled.
"Yes," I said.
"Okay well baby A is a girl, and baby B is a boy," Addison said.
"Oh my gosh," Amelia smiled.
"They're both healthy too?" I asked.
"Perfectly healthy babies," Addison said, "I'll print you guys some pictures?"
"Yes please," Amelia smiled. Addison left and Amelia got up and kissed me.
"We got our mini Arizona and our mini Arizona but a boy," She giggled and kissed me.
"I love you so much," I said and kissed her, "I'm so excited."
"Me too," She giggled. Addison printed photos and then got called in on an emergency case. I smiled at the photos and went home with Amelia. Charlotte was at school so we had the morning to ourselves. Amelia was making lunch and she was so cute.
"Hey Ames?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She turned around and smiled at me.
"Have you thought about names?" I added.
"A little," she said, "have you?"
"Well I was wondering if we could name our baby boy Timothy after my brother," I asked.
"Of course we can do that I love it," Amelia said, "I was thinking about asking you about that."
"Really?" I said.
"Yes," Amelia smiled, "I like the idea."
"Do you have any thoughts for names?" I asked her.
"I wanna make the girl's middle name Addison if that's okay," she said.
"I love it," I smiled.
"Yeah?" Amelia said.
"Yeah," I said. She came over with a plate of food and kissed me.
"I love you so much," Amelia said.
"I love you more," I said.
"Wrong," Amelia giggled.
"Sure," I said.
"Anyway what do we wanna do for a gender reveal?" Amelia asked.
"I don't know," I shrugged, "but I wanna fly my parents out."
"Absolutely," Amelia said, "they can stay here if they want."
"Okay," I said, "that sounds nice." We heard the front door open and Charlotte walked into the kitchen.
"How was school?" Amelia asked.
"Annoying," Charlotte said. She looked really mad but neither one of us said anything.
"We found out the genders today," I said to lighten the mood.
"Can I know?" Charlotte said.
"As long as you don't tell anyone," Amelia said.
"Okay," Charlotte said.
"It's a boy and a girl," I smiled.
"Oh my gosh," Charlotte said and hugged me and then Amelia, "that's exciting."
"Yeah," I said. Charlotte grabbed her things and went upstairs and Amelia frowned.
"She seemed mad before right?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah," I said, "she did."
"Okay, I'll be back," Amelia said.
I opened Charlotte's door and she was on her computer.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," she said.
"You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah," she sighed, "it's nothing."
"Is everything with Maxine okay?" I asked.
"Yeah it's just," she frowned, "Maxine has big dreams."
"Okay," I said and sat down, "like that?"
"She wants to go to Yale," Charlotte said, "and Yale is so far from here. And if she doesn't go to Yale she wants to go to one of the other big schools but they're all so far away from here."
"You're worried about your relationship?" I asked and she nodded.
"I'm not mad at her because I want her to do whatever makes her happy but she'll be so far. I'm sure there will be plenty of other girls there and I won't matter," She said.
"Charlotte you know that's not true," I said, "if the roles were reversed you would still want to be with Maxine right? You wouldn't ditch her for some random girl at Yale would you?"
"No," she said.
"Look at me," I said, "it's October. I know college stuff just started with applications and stuff, but no matter where either of you go to college, you still have until summer when you have to leave for it, and you kids are so good with technology that I'm sure you and Maxine would talk all the time."
"Yeah," Charlotte said.
"Do you love her?" I asked.
"Yeah," Charlotte said.
"It'll be okay," I said and hugged her.

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