thirty six

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It was so nice to see my mom so happy. We were home and she was so happy after the proposal. Arizona was in the other room doing laundry and I walked over and hugged my mom.
"Are you excited?" I smiled.
"I am," She said, "I can't believe you knew we were both going to propose!"
"Well I couldn't tell one of you," I laughed.
"I know I know," she said and hugged me, "we have a wedding to plan."
"We do," I smiled, "can you pretty please wear a white poofy dress?"
"Maybe," She laughed.
"Please? You'd look so pretty," I said.
"Who'd look pretty?" Arizona asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"My mom in a wedding dress," I smiled.
"You would look pretty in a wedding dress Ames," Arizona smiled.
"So would you," my mom said.
"Can I help you each pick out a dress? Please?" I begged.
"Sure," they both chuckled.
"Your wedding will be adorable I want to help," I smiled and hugged them.
"You can help as much or as little as you want," My mom chuckled.
I was laying in bed with Arizona. I was so excited. We were getting married. I snuggled into her as she turned the TV on.
"You're so cute," Arizona said.
"I took my makeup off," I chuckled.
"Ames how many times do I have to tell you that you're absolutely beautiful with and without makeup," Arizona pouted as she lifted my chin with her finger.
"All the time," I giggled and she kissed me.
"Hey so quick question my parents wanna fly out and come see you guys soon, does that work?" She asked me.
"Yes of course," I smiled, "I love your parents."
"I told them maybe next weekend?" She offered.
"That works," I said, "maybe I should tell my mom."
"Yeah," she said softly. My mom was a sour topic between us, and only for the fact that she thinks we're "unnatural" or I'm not serious. She doesn't understand that just because I'm not marrying a man doesn't mean that I'm not in love. I love Arizona more than anything in the world, and it shouldn't matter if she's a woman. It shouldn't. But apparently it matters to Carolyn Shepherd.
"Hey I'll be right back I have to ask Charlotte something," I said and got up.
"Don't take too long I want snuggles," Arizona pouted.
"I won't baby," I giggled and kissed her passionately before walking down the hallway. I opened Charlottes door after knocking and she was sitting on her bed reading a book.
"Good book?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"No," she chuckled, "it's for school."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Of mice and men," she said and closed the book, "I'm only on the second chapter." She moved over and I laid down next to her as we both stared at the ceiling.
"What are you doing in here aren't you supposed to be having engagement sex with your fiancé right now," Charlotte joked as she looked at me.
"Shut up," I said, "I'm worried about telling my mom that I'm engaged."
"Then don't," Charlotte said.
"She's gonna find out, she always finds out," I said.
"How is she really gonna know unless Uncle Derek blabs to her, I doubt he would anyway," She said.
"I'm jealous," I sighed.
"Of?" She said.
"Arizona and her parents," I sighed, "she told them were engaged and they're coming to Seattle maybe next week because they're so excited. If I tell my mom she'll tell me I'm a bad mother and role model, and than all I need in life is to marry a man." Charlotte frowned as she snuggled into me.
"You know you're not a bad mother or a bad role model though right?" Charlotte asked.
"I try to," I said. She sat up and looked at me.
"We were in a car accident," Charlotte said.
"Yeah," I said.
"And does she know about that?" Charlotte questioned.
"No," I said.
"So don't tell her about the wedding. Have the wedding. Wear whatever dress you want and plan the hell out of it. Don't invite her or my annoying aunts, and they'll never know. Take the ring off when she comes to visit, and she'll never know," Charlotte said.
"You're definitely my daughter," I laughed and hugged her, "I feel bad not telling her."
"She's just going to disrespect you anyway," Charlotte frowned, "I hate it when she does that."
"I'm used to it," I shrugged.
"But why? Why is she so mean to you?" Charlotte asked as she laid down next to me again.
"Because I made the most mistakes," I sighed, "none of her other perfect shepherd children got alcohol poisoning in 8th grade. None of her other children skipped school to get high on drugs or flirt with boys. And I know I was literally 14 through 18, but, it still comes to haunt me. Whatever I do about I'm always just the messed up teenager in her mind."
"You're not in mine," Charlotte said sweetly.
"I love you," I said and hugged her.
"I love you too," Charlotte smiled.
I was watching TV and Amelia was talking with Charlotte. They had been talking for almost an hour so I hope everything is okay. I saw the bedroom door open and Amelia came in.
"Hey," she said softly.
"Hey," I said, "everything alright?" She came over and sat down on my lap and I smiled.
"Yeah," she said softly as she pushed some of my hair behind my ear, "just talking about my mom."
"Oh did you tell her we were engaged?" I asked her.
"No," she chuckled before kissing me, "I don't know what to do about it."
"Who cares about that right now," I said softly, "think about what we could do now." She smiled as she took her top off and straddled my hips.
"Did you lock the door?" I asked her.
"As always," she smirked and kissed me.

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