twenty nine

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Amelia was laying on top of me and I smiled. We were upstairs in her bedroom and I smiled. I rubbed her back and she looked up at me and smiled.
"I love you," Amelia giggled as she grabbed my face and kissed me.
"I love you too," I smiled.
"I'm so glad you're back," Amelia said as she laid her head on my chest and looked up at me. I smiled as I looked at her adorableness. She was so cute. I couldn't believe I went three months without this precious girl in my arms.
"Me too," I said, "I've missed this so much."
"God me too," Amelia giggled. I caressed her back as she snuggled into me.
"Maybe you should go to Africa more often because the reunion sex is pretty fucking good," Amelia joked.
"Shut up," I said and she sat up and giggled. She was so cute. She reached over the bed and grabbed my button up shirt from the floor. I smiled as she cutely buttoned up the shirt and got up.
"Where are you going?" I pouted.
"I'm hungry, you want something?" Amelia said as she put her hair into a bun. I grabbed her shirt off the floor and we walked downstairs.
"What do you want honey?" Amelia smiled.
"I don't know what do you have?" I chuckled.
"Arizona baby I live with a teenager I have any snack you could imagine," Amelia laughed as she opened the pantry. I couldn't help but notice how adorable she was. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled as I kissed her cheek.
"Do you want fruit snacks?" Amelia asked as she grabbed the box.
"You're such a child," I laughed.
"You love it though," she pouted and opened a bag of them. She threw the fruit snack up and caught in her mouth. I chuckled as I took the box from her.
"I'm dating a child," I laughed. She giggled as we at fruit snacks and drank some water. Amelia closed the pantry and looked over at me.
"Wanna go again?" She chuckled.
"Was this re-energizing?" I laughed.
"I needed substance," she chuckled, "please?"
"How could I say no?" I laughed as I walked over to her and picked her up. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Ooh shower!" Amelia laughed as I walked down the hallway.
"You're really adorable," I said as I put her down in the bathroom and she turned the shower on.
I changed into pajamas and walked out into my room and Arizona was snuggled under the covers. It was almost midnight. I crawled into bed and Arizona turned the TV off.
"I am so tired and jet lagged," she laughed.
"You can just admit I tired you out," I joked and she hit my arm.
"Shut up," she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close to her.
"Goodnight Amelia," she said softly, "I love you."
"I love you too baby, goodnight," I said and pecked her lips. She closed her eyes as she leaned into me and I smiled. I wanted to ask her to move in so badly. I know she just got back, but her being gone made me realize how badly I needed her in my life. I love her so much, and I want to marry her. I want to spend the rest of my life with Arizona Robbins. I had to ask Charlotte before I asked Arizona to move in. I had to make sure it was okay with her before I actually asked Arizona. I know it might be quick, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl.
"Good morning," I giggled as I pecked Arizonas lips.
"Good morning," she smiled.
"What are you doing today?" I asked.
"I have to meet with Bailey this morning to talk about my return to work," she said.
"Gotcha," I said, "come back when you're done?"
"Absolutely," she smiled and kissed me, "I have to go shower before I leave."
"Me too," I said. She smiled as we both got up and got ready for the day. After we got out of the shower we both got dressed and Arizona left to go to the hospital to speak to Bailey. I put my jacket on and tied my shoes and drove over to Derek and Meredith's house. I rang the doorbell and Derek opened the door.
"Hey," he said, "how was your night?"
"You don't want to know," I chuckled as I walked in.
"A simple good would have sufficed Amelia," Derek laughed.
"Right," Amelia said.
"Hi Auntie Amelia!" Zola smiled as her and Charlotte were eating breakfast together.
"Aunt Amelia," Bailey said as he came down the stairs.
"Hey guys," I smiled.
"Auntie!" Ellis smiled as she ran into the kitchen and hugged me tightly.
"Hi sweetheart," I said.
"Hi mom," Charlotte said.
"Hi honey," I smiled and hugged her.
"Amelia you're here!" Maggie smiled.
"I am," I laughed.
Charlotte and I got home and Arizona was still at the hospital.
"I want to talk to you about something," I said as I put my purse down in the kitchen.
"Am I in trouble?" Charlotte asked.
"No, actually it's about Arizona moving in," I said.
"Wow the sex was that good last night?" Charlotte joked and I hit her arm.
"No I'm serious. I really really love her Char," I said, "and I know we just like got back together I guess officially but she's the one, but I understand if you don't want her to move in I get it."
"I don't care if she moves in," Charlotte said as she sat down across from me, "so 'the one' is miss Amelia thinking about proposing!"
"Don't call me miss Amelia," I chuckled, "and I've been thinking about it but I think the moving in step is where we should go for now, as long as it's okay with you."
"Yeah that's fine," Charlotte said, "she like practically lived here anyway before she went to Africa so."
"Glad you're okay with it," I said.
"Are you going to wear a big white poofy dress?" Charlotte smiled.
"Nobody is getting married yet," I laughed.
"But are you? Oooh or you would wear a white suit!" Charlotte said.
"Kinda like the poofy dress tho," I laughed.
"Oh my gosh this is exciting!" Charlotte said.
"She is only moving in not a word about how I feel about marriage," I said seriously.
"Okay," Charlotte nodded, "but quick question."
"Sure," I said.
"Do I have to call her mom?" Charlotte asked, "because like I love Arizona. But you're my mom, and I'm not a little kid, I don't need to call her mom right? I mean she can just be your girlfriend and a parental figure without that right?"
"I don't care," I said, "whatever you want to do."
"I just don't want to be mean about it but it's just weird after 15 years to call someone else mom," Charlotte said.
"I understand," I said and hugged her, "let's just take it one step at a time alright?"

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