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"Hey can we talk about something?" Amelia asked as she sat up in bed.
"Sure," I said and sat up next to her.
"Charlotte and I talked about it, and I wanted to know if you wanted to move in," Amelia said. I smiled and she grinned.
"I'd love to," I said, "I'd really love to." Amelia smiled as I leaned in and kissed her.
"Charlotte also brought up something else," Amelia said nervously.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Well I guess she has the impression when you move in she should call you mom and she doesn't want to offend you by not calling you mom but she also doesn't really feel comfortable calling you mom either. I told her I'd talk to you about it," she said. I could tell she was really thinking about her words as not to offend me, but I don't care what Charlotte calls me if I'm being honest. If I can be in hers and Amelia's life, that's enough for me really.
"I don't care what she calls me," I admitted, "I mean I get it. She's 15, and she's had you this whole time, I don't expect her to call me mom, and I don't care if she doesn't. I'm not offended I promise. I can still be Arizona to her."
"You're sure?" Amelia asked.
"Amelia I promise. I can move in and live with you all the time and be in her life 24/7? That's all I want. I don't need to be her mom. I mean of course I'll take care of her and care tremendously for her, but you can keep the mom title," I said.
"Okay," Amelia said, "that sounds good."
"Okay," I smiled, "whatever Charlotte wants to call me is fine with me."
"She'll probably just stick to Arizona," Amelia said.
"And that's fine with me," I said as I leaned in and kissed her. She smiled as we cuddled before falling asleep together.
"Arizona," Amelia said groggily.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked as I looked at the clock and it was 3:30am.
"I have to go in," Amelia yawned, "when do you go in?"
"7:30," I said, "I can bring Charlotte to school."
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yes," I said, "you know I care about her and don't have a problem taking her to school."
"Okay okay," she chuckled, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said and felt her kiss my head. I watched her get ready for work and then my eyes closed as I fell back asleep.
"Charlotte," Arizona said as she sat down on my bed. I opened my eyes and she was dressed for work.
"Is my mom at work?" I yawned.
"Yeah," Arizona said.
"Alright," I said and looked at her. I wondered if my mom asked her to move in. Or if she told her how I felt about calling her mom. My mom has never been this serious with anyone, it was different, it was definitely a good different, but it was just different.
"You alright?" Arizona asked. She must have noticed I totally zoned out.
"Did my mom talk to you?" I asked.
"About moving in?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah, it's okay with you if I move in right?" She asked.
"Yeah of course it's okay with me, I love you and you make my mom super happy," I said.
"I love you too," she smiled and hugged me.
"Did she mention anything else? I asked.
"Like the mom phrase?" She said. I nodded.
"I don't care if you don't want to call me mom. I get it Charlotte, you're a teenager and for all you can remember it's just been you and your mom. I understand, I love you, and care about you, and will care for you, but we don't have to have the mother daughter labels if you don't want. I'm not offended or anything I promise. I completely understand," she said sweetly.
"You're sure?" I asked, "I just don't want to hurt your feelings because I really do like you I just feel like it would be confusing calling two people mom and you're right, it has just been me and my mom for a while."
"You're not hurting my feelings," Arizona said.
"Promise?" I said.
"Promise," Arizona said, "now let's go make some breakfast so we aren't late for school."
"Okay," I smiled as we walked downstairs. I'm so glad Arizona was so laid back and okay with how I felt about calling her mom, and she made my mom so happy. I've never seen my mom happier ever. Arizona and I made breakfast and we sat down at the table.
"Are you moving in this afternoon?" I asked her.
"Yeah your mother and I are moving some stuff over later," she said.
"You need help?" I asked.
"If you want to you can come over," she said.
"Okay," I said, "sounds good." We cleaned up breakfast and then I was on my way to school. I like having Arizona around.

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