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"Mom Tara's parents are here!" She said as she came down the stairs. She was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and she had straightened her hair. She was a good kid. I smiled as I hugged her.
"Have fun," I said, "make good choices."
"I will," she said.
"Oh and do you mind if I have Arizona over tonight?" I asked.
"No why would I mind?" She asked as she started putting her shoes on.
"Oh I don't know," I shrugged.
"So Tara and I should be home by like 9:30 or 10 ish I think," Charlotte said.
"Who's house is it again?" I asked.
"This boy Chris in my grade," Charlotte said, "he's really good friends with Tara's friend Zach."
"Okay," I said, "have fun."
"Will do," she said and hugged me again. I watched her run out to Tara's car and I waved to her mother as she backed out of the driveway. They were good kids. I need to get over myself. I grabbed my phone and called Arizona.
"Hey," she answered.
"Hey," I said, "I have an empty house wanna come over?"
"Yup," she said, "want me to grab food?"
"Sure, that sounds great," I said.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Whatever you want is fine," I said.
"You like Chinese food?" She asked.
"Sure do," I said.
"Perfect," she said, "I'll see you in 20." I went upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes and I eventually heard the doorbell ron. I opened the door and smiled at my precious girlfriend.
"Hi," I giggled as she kissed me.
"Hi," she said. We walked into the kitchen to sit down and eat dinner.
"You freaking out yet that Charlotte is at a party?" She joked.
"No," I frowned, "maybe. I don't know."
"I'm sure she'll be fine," she said, "she's a good kid."
"That's what I keep telling myself," I said. Arizona smiled as she grabbed my hand.
"You should relax," she smirked.
"Oh really?" I said.
"Mhm," she said as she started tracing circles on my arm.
"Can you show me how to relax?" I said.
"I can," she smiled.
"Okay," I said.
"Let's go," she said as we walked upstairs and I closed my bedroom door. I walked over to her and she kissed me passionately as we fell into the bed together.
"Go talk to him," Tara said.
"What? No," I laughed.
"Come on Josh so likes you," Tara said.
"You don't know that," I chuckled. We were watching him play air hockey with Zach. Chris's house was fun. We were playing air hockey, pool, ping pong, and video games. There was maybe 20 people from school I don't know.
"If you don't make a move I'm telling him you like him," Tara teased.
"Shut up," I said.
"Come on Charlotte," Tara said. Josh ended up winning air hockey and I gave him a smile. He smiled back as he stood next to me as the game started.
"You any good at air hockey?" He said.
"Probably not," I chuckled.
"Fine. Ping pong?" He asked.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Wanna play?" He asked and picked up two paddles.
"Sure," I smiled. I saw Tara smile as she went over by Zach. Zach was her guy best friend. If you didn't know them you would probably think they were brother and sister, although I've always thought they would be a cute couple. Josh and I played a few rounds of ping pong and then I think dinner was upstairs.
"Hey Charlotte?" Josh asked as he grabbed my hand.
"Yeah?" I asked as he moved closer to me.
"You're really pretty," he said and pecked my lips, "I just wanted to tell you that."
"Thanks," I smiled as he walked upstairs. Josh likes me. I turned around and saw Tara and Zach watching.
"I told you he likes you," Tara chuckled as she walked past me.
The party was over and it was fun. Josh kissed me. That was definitely a highlight. Tara's dad dropped us off at my house and we both got out of the car.
"Who else is at your house?" Tara asked, looking at Arizona's car. Shit. I don't know how my mom wants Arizona introduced. Like I don't care if Tara knows my mom is gay, but I don't know if my mom cares.
"Oh I think it's my moms friend from work," I said. I unlocked the front door and I heard my mom and Arizona in the kitchen.
"Hi mom," I smiled.
"Hi girls," my mom smiled and hugged us. I don't know how to introduce Arizona to Tara. I don't think my mom knew how to either. Shit.
"Tara this is Arizona," I said, "my moms friend."
"It's nice to meet you," Tara smiled.
"You too," Arizona said.
"Okay well mom we're going upstairs," I said.
"Okay," she said, "If you need anything you girls know where everything is."
"Thank you," Tara and I smiled as we went upstairs.
Did she care if her friends knew I was gay? I was definitely over thinking it. I definitely was. But ugh I had to talk to her. I was worried about it. Arizona and I were watching TV in bed and I texted Charlotte.
"Meet me in the living room," I said.
"Okay," she sent.
"Hey I'll be right back I'm gonna go ask Charlotte how the party went," I said.
"Okay," Arizona said. I walked downstairs and Charlotte was on the couch.
"What's up?" Charlotte asked.
"Do you care if Tara knows I'm dating a girl?" I asked.
"What no? Why would you think that?" She said.
"Well I don't know, how you introduced her?" I said.
"Mom I don't care if Tara knows, but I didn't know if you cared if she knew," Charlotte said sweetly, "so I just said friend. I didn't mean it in a hiding way I just didn't know what you wanted me to say."
"Oh okay," I said, "it's no worries."
"Okay," she smiled, "sorry."
"No need for apologies," I said and hugged her, "how was the party what did you do?"
"We played video games, air hockey, pool," she said, "and ate pizza it was fun."
"That sounds like fun," I said and hugged her, "glad you had a good time."
"Yeah," she smiled and then we went back upstairs. I walked back into my room and laid back down next to Arizona.
"How was the party?" She chuckled.
"Good," I said as I cuddled into her chest, "no drugs or alcohol. They played games and stuff."
"I told you," Arizona chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"Yeah yeah," I laughed, "you were right."

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