forty nine

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"Arizona," I whispered.
"Mhm?" Arizona rolled over.
"Wake up," I said.
"Ames it's early," Arizona complained.
"I want to see the sunrise get up," I said.
"Ugh fine," she said, "only because you're cute." We walked downstairs and out to the beach and I smiled as the sun was coming up. We sat down by the water and Arizona snuggled into me.
"You're so sleepy," I chuckled.
"You woke me up at 5am," she said.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said. I kissed her head as the sun rose more. The sky turned all pretty shades of orange, pink, and yellow.
"It's pretty," Arizona said.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Okay I'm tired let's go," Arizona laughed as she pulled me up. I giggled as we ran back to the hotel and crawled back into bed. I snuggled into her and closed my eyes.
"You're so pretty," Arizona smiled as I turned around in my bathing suit.
"So are you," I smiled as I kissed her. I started kissing her neck and she chuckled.
"Ames are we ever actually going to go to the beach?" Arizona chuckled.
"Fine," I pouted.
"We can have fun later," Arizona teased.
"Promise?" I said.
"I promise," she said. We walked down to the beach and I laid out my towel in the sand and Arizona laid next to me. I closed my eyes as I drifted off for a nap under the sun.
Amelia was adorable. She was passed out next to me laying out in the sand. Her eyes flutter open and I giggled.
"Good sleep?" I asked.
"Yeah," she smiled sleepily.
"Wanna go in the water?" I asked.
"What if there's sharks?" She pouted.
"There's no sharks. Look how many people are in the water. The shark isn't gonna eat you," I chuckled.
"Fine fair enough," she giggled as we got up and she raced me down to the water. She dove under the first wave and I smiled. She was such a child sometimes. I followed in after her and she pulled me closer to her.
"It's kinda cold," she chuckled as I held her in my arms. We started going over the waves and I smiled.
"It'll warm up, the suns out," I said.
"Yeah," she giggled, "you're cute."
"So are you," I said.
"This is the best vacation ever," she said.
"Agreed," I said.
"We do have to call Charlotte tonight, she misses us," Amelia chuckled.
"We can definitely do that," I said.
"I love you," She said.
"I love you too Amelia," I smiled and kissed her.
"Hey," I smiled as Charlotte answered the phone.
"Hey! How's Hawaii?" She asked me.
"It's good," I said, "really nice. How's your day?"
"School's annoying," she said.
"Tell me something new," I said.
"I don't know," she chuckled.
"How's Uncle Derek and Aunt Meredith?" I asked.
"They're good," she said, "it is fun going to school with Zola everyday."
"That's good," I said.
"How's Arizona? How's married life?" She chuckled.
"Arizonas good," I smiled, "married life is also good."
"That's good," she said, "I miss you."
"I miss you too my Char bug," I said.
"Mom," she complained.
"I'm calling you Char bug forever," I chuckled, "I love it."
"It's okay," she chuckled.
"It's cute," I chuckled. Arizona walked in the room in her pajamas and I smiled. She was always so adorable.
"Charlotte?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said and put her on speaker.
"Hey," Arizona said.
"Hi Arizona," Charlotte said.
"How are you?" Arizona asked.
"I'm good," Charlotte said, "how are you?"
"I'm good," Arizona said.
"Alright Char we gotta go but I will call you later okay?" I said.
"Okay, bye, I love you guys," she said.
"We love you too," I smiled and hung up.
"Where are we going?" Arizona chuckled.
"Here," I said as I took her shirt off and pushed her onto the bed.
"You promised later," I giggled as I kissed her.
"I did," Arizona said, "I didn't forget."
"Good," I smirked as she flipped us over.
"I love you," Arizona smiled.
"I love you too," I said. I smiled as I was laying in her arms. I looked over to the window and the sun was just going down. Hawaii was perfect with my perfect wife.
"I kinda don't ever wanna leave," I joked.
"Me either," Arizona chuckled.
"Yeah," I yawned.
"Tired?" Arizona chuckled, "it's 6:30."
"I'm tired baby," I chuckled and snuggled into her.
"You'll make us late for dinner," Arizona said and tickled me.
"Hey!" I laughed and tickled her back. We were both giggling and I smiled. I've found the love of my life.

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