twenty five

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One month. It's been one month since I've flown to Africa. The tiny human program here is amazing. I love it. There's so much help that can be done and I'm so happy to help them and teach the doctors here. It's a really amazing opportunity, but god do I miss Amelia. I miss her so much. I texted her yesterday and she didn't answer. I just wanted to see how she was doing. I would text Charlotte but I feel like that's crossing a boundary line. I miss Amelia so much, but I know she's probably so mad at me. I would be mad at me too, I mean what idiot gets dumped and jumped on a plane to Africa. I have to just shove it all down for the time being because these children need my help. They do, and I love working with them and their families. Their families are wonderful people and just want the best for their children,  I can't just leave because I miss my ex who probably wants nothing to do with me. I can't abandon them. They can get a replacement for me but that's not fair to the tiny humans. I just hope Amelias okay.
I'm getting worse. I'm not okay. I haven't gone to work in two weeks. I went from a workaholic to nothing. Thank god I have Charlotte or I would be in serious trouble. At least with her school schedule I had to get up. Which was now. I got up and threw on a sweatshirt I've been wearing for the past 3 days and walked down the hallway.
"Charlotte it's time for school," I said and opened the door. She rolled over and looked at me.
"Okay," she said.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.
"Waffles," she said.
"Okay," I said. I walked downstairs and made two waffles and a few minutes later she came downstairs.
"What are you doing today?" She asked.
"I don't know," I said.
"You should go to work, you love work," she said.
"I'm going next week," I said.
"You said that last week," she said.
"And Arizona said she'd never leave me but she's in Africa so we all say things we don't mean," I said and handed her the waffles. God I was so fucking exhausted. I was living the same day over and over again. I needed to snap out of it, but it was so easy to stay home and do nothing.
"Were gonna be late," Charlotte said and handed me the car keys.
"Right," I said. I drove her to school and we waited in the parking lot. It got to 7:05 and she looked over at me.
"Do something productive today, you know Arizona wouldn't want to see you like this," she said, "I love you mom and I want the best for you."
"I love you too Char have a good day at school," I said. She got out and I sighed. I couldn't keep living like this.
I waited for my moms car to leave the parking lot. I walked over to the senior lot and found Tyler, who was Zach's older brother, and Zach was Tara's friend, and Tara was my best friend, so basically that made us known by association.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Hey Charlotte what's up?" He asked.
"Can you drive me to the hospital it's 5 minutes away and you can blame it on me if you're late for school," I said.
"Are you okay are you hurt? Get in," he said.
"I'm fine I just need to talk to my Aunt and Uncle who work there," I said, "instead of going to school." I think he could tell it was serious and drove me to the hospital.
"Can I drop you off here?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you I owe you," I said.
"Charlotte it's on me, hope you work out whatever's going on," he said.
"Thanks," I said. I walked into the hospital and found my Uncle Derek.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Don't you have school?" He asked me.
"It's about my mom please," I said.
"Okay," he said and we walked down the hallway. He opened his office door and I sat down.
"You need to talk to her," I said, "I'm worried about her."
"I tried getting her to come back this week and she told me no," he said, "what is she doing at home?"
"Nothing," I said, "I'm worried about her, she needs to do something and I know she's just still really upset about the breakup."
"Breakup?" Derek said.
"Yeah uh they broke up before Arizona went to Africa," I said.
"She didn't tell me that," Derek said, "I thought Arizona just went to Africa and she was upset about that."
"No they broke up, she didn't tell you?" I said.
"No," Derek said, "come on I'll drive you home and I'll talk to her."
"I should probably go to school," I said.
"Okay," he said. He dropped me off at school, I just hoped my mom would get better.
The doorbell rang and I got off the couch to answer it. I opened it and it was Derek.
"Derek I told you I'll come back next week," I said and let him in.
"You didn't tell me you and Arizona broke up," he said.
"How do you even know that," I said.
"Because your daughter skipped first period to visit me at the hospital to tell me she was worried about you," he said.
"She did that?" Amelia said.
"Yes," he said, "Amelia you love being a doctor, what are you doing here sitting on the couch all day?"
"What if Arizona comes back and hates me? What if we don't get back together?" She said.
"Well did you guys agree to that?" I asked.
"I don't know," she sighed, "it was really messy when she left." I wrapped my arms around her and she started crying.
"Amelia it's going to be okay," I said.
"I wanted to ask her to marry me," she said.
"You were going to?" I said.
"Well I don't have a ring or anything but I had been thinking about it, and then we blew up at each other about Africa and I broke up with her," she said.
"It was a messy situation, I'm sure you two can talk about it calmly when she comes back," I said, "but for now you should come back to work."
"Charlotte was really worried about me?" She said sadly.
"She was," I said.
"Shit," she frowned.
"Amelia just come to work, you don't have to operate today but do consults or something. Or yell at interns all day I don't care but just come to work," I begged her.
"Can I have half an hour to get ready?" She asked.
"Take all the time you need," I said. She ran upstairs and I sat down on the couch. Hopefully my baby sister would be okay.

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