sixty two

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I had finally worked up the courage to ask her. I was really nervous. Amelia walked out of the bathroom and I sat up.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Sure, you know that," she chuckled as she walked into the closet to find some shoes.
"Have you ever thought about having another kid?" I asked. It got silent and I sighed.
"Forget I asked," I said.
"I didn't say no," Amelia chuckled as she came back out, "I was just thinking, and honestly no, I haven't thought about it, but there's a reason why. I hadn't thought about it for the longest time because for years it was just Charlotte and I, I didn't think about having another kid because I wasn't in the position to, but I am now. I'm with someone I love tremendously, and I would definitely be open to talking about having another kid with you."
"Really?" I smiled.
"Yes really," she said, "of course I would want to raise a baby with you."
"Ames this makes me so happy," I smiled and leaned into her and kissed her.
"Me too," she giggled, "I mean having a little baby would be fun. I miss the baby years."
"So it's a maybe?" I smiled.
"A maybe leaning towards yes," she smiled, "would one of us carry?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Ugh you're giving me baby fever now Arizona Robbins I hate you," She chuckled.
"Sorry," I chuckled.
"So if one of us carries we have to look at sperm donors?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Okay," she smiled, "we can talk about it later I promise but I cannot be late for work, and I'm bringing Charlotte in."
"Oooh yeah she's starting that volunteer program right?" I said.
"Yup," she said, "and she'll murder me if we're late so I have to go. I love you and we'll talk later okay?"
"I love you too, and okay," I smiled and kissed her.
I brought Charlotte in and she got started with the other volunteers. I started my rounds with Edwards and after we finished I went back to my office to check my emails. I was thinking about what Arizona said this morning. Another baby? A baby would be cute. So cute. I mean I haven't had baby years since Charlotte was a baby. It would be adorable, and I love kids. I love Meredith and Derek's kids, and I kinda want another baby. I don't know. I decided to visit my wife in the peds section. I saw her in the nursery and I smiled. I opened the door and she was monitoring the babies.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Hey," she said.
"They're so cute," I said.
"I know right?" She smiled as she picked one up.
"Ames this is Ella, she was born three days ago," Arizona smiled.
"Hi Ella," I smiled.
"Ella look, that's my wife. Isn't she pretty?" Arizona pointed.
"Stop it," I chuckled. She put Ella down and wrote down her stats.
"Are her parents here?" I asked.
"Yup, mom is sleeping, and dad is with the grandparents," Arizona said.
"I want a baby," I smiled looking at the babies in the nursery.
"I really gave you baby fever huh?" Arizona laughed.
"They're all so cute," I said, "I want another kid."
"Okay," Arizona smiled.
"Okay?" I smiled and hugged her.
"We can talk more tonight I have to go check on a patient," Arizona said.
"Okay cool," I smiled. I walked downstairs as Arizona went down the peds wing and I walked down to go check on Charlotte. I saw her at one of the desks and I smiled.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Hey," she said.
"Having fun?" I asked.
"Yeah," she smiled.
"That's good," I said.
"Yeah," she said.
"I have to talk to you about something," my mom said as she unlocked the door. Arizona was heading home soon after us.
"Okay," I said.
"How would you feel about having a younger sibling?" She asked.
"Are you pregnant?" I said, "wait forget I asked that."
"Do you know how children are made?" My mom laughed.
"I was having a stupid moment," I chuckled.
"Arizona and I were talking about having a baby this morning," my mom said.
"A baby would be so cute," I smiled, "are you thinking about adopting?"
"I think one of us is gonna carry," she said.
"Really? Mom this is so exciting," I smiled and hugged her.
"So you're okay with it?" She asked.
"Okay with it? Of course I am," I smiled.
"Okay," she smiled. She looked so happy. I loved it. My mom was finally in love and happy.

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