fifty nine

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Timeline: 3 months later. The last day of school.

"Ames wake up," I said and kissed her cheek.
"Ugh," Amelia said, "it's so early."
"Last day of school," I chuckled and climbed on top of her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"I'm glad that Charlotte's year turned around," Amelia said as I leaned down to kiss her.
"Me too," I said. After Charlotte told us who was saying mean things about her Amelia spoke to the school and the issue got resolved. She hasn't had any other issues with Luke or any of her other peers for the rest of the year. I leaned down and kissed Amelia and she smiled.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too," I said.
"We should use the pool today," she said.
"Sounds like a good idea," I smiled. We both weren't working today. Amelia got up and went to go get Charlotte up for her last day of school. I walked downstairs and started making eggs for breakfast.
"Charlotte?" I asked as I knocked on her door.
"Come in," she said. I opened the door and Charlotte was fixing her hair in the mirror.
"Last day of school!" I smiled.
"Yeah," she smiled.
"I'm glad your test turned around, and I'm glad stuck through it," I said and hugged her.
"Thanks mom," she said, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said. We went downstairs and ate breakfast and then Charlotte went and grabbed her keys and went to school. Arizona and I had the whole day to ourselves.
"Hi," I smiled as I walked over to her and kissed her.
"Hey," she giggled, "I hope the pool isn't cold."
"True," I chuckled. I made coffee and went outside.
"Jumping in already?" Arizona joked.
"I'm testing the temperature for you," I said and skimmed the surface with my foot.
"It's fine," I chuckled and walked inside.
"You're so cute," she said.
"So are you," I said.
"What are we having for dinner?" She asked.
"It's 7 am I don't know," I chuckled, "take out?"
"Works for me," she chuckled.
I changed into my bathing suit and walked back into the bedroom. I saw Arizona and smiled. She was so hot.
"Hey," I smiled as I walked over to her.
"Hey," she said and pushed my hair out of my face, "you look great."
"So do you," I said.
"Can't remember the last time we used the pool," Arizona chuckled.
"Yeah it's been a little while," I said. We walked downstairs and out to the deck. I grabbed her hands and pulled her into the pool.
"If it's cold I'm killing you," Arizona laughed. I pulled her in and it wasn't too bad.
"Is it too cold?" I chuckled.
"No it's good," Arizona said. I wrapped my legs around her waist and she pulled me into her.
"I love you," I smiled.
"I love you too," she said.
We spent about an hour in the pool and now we were making lunch.
"I've missed summer," Arizona admitted.
"Me too," I said, "I love it when it gets warmer and the days are longer."
"Same," Arizona said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I finished making two sandwiches and Arizona made a smoothie for the each of us. We sat outside and the sun felt so nice.
"So I have a question," Arizona said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"What do you want to do for your birthday?" She asked.
"Oh I don't know," I shrugged, "we don't have to do anything."
"Ames it's your birthday next week we're doing something," Arizona said.
"Okay okay," I chuckled.
"Let me plan something," Arizona said.
"As long as it ends in birthday sex plan whatever you want," I laughed as I kissed her.
"I think that can be arranged," Arizona smirked.
"Yeah?" I smiled.
"Yeah," she said.
"I'm home!" Charlotte said as she opened the front door, "finally the year is over!"
"Proud of you," Amelia said and hugged her.
"I have an idea," Charlotte said.
"Okay," I said.
"Can we roast marshmallows after dinner?" She said.
"Sounds like a good plan to me," I said.
"Yeah that's sounds good," Amelia said, "I'll go make sure we have enough firewood."
"Okay," Charlotte said. Amelia went outside to go check on that.
"Good last day?" I asked.
"Yup, and now I don't have to do school work all summer," Charlotte said.
"That's good," I said, "I loved counting down the days until summer as a kid."
"Me too," Charlotte said, "okay so we have to talk about something."
"I'm listening," I said.
"My moms birthday," Charlotte said, "she always says she doesn't want anything or to do anything but we have to do something."
"I know, I asked her today what she wanted to do and she kinda shrugged it off," I frowned, "I wanna do something."
"I think she kinda hates birthdays because of her childhood if I'm being honest, but we can have like Aunt Meredith and Uncle Derek and my cousins, and Aunt Maggie and Winston over," Charlotte suggested.
"Yeah I was thinking that, since it's nice out maybe we can all use the pool or something," I said.
"Yeah that's a good idea," Charlotte said. I saw Amelia start walking back towards the house.
"We'll figure something out," I said.
"Yeah," Charlotte said.
"We have enough stuff for marshmallows," Amelia said.
We were sitting outside around the campfire. It was such a nice summer day. Amelia was cuddled into me on one of the chairs and we had already made s'mores. I was thinking about her birthday. I wanted to do something special, but she seemed to have little interest in it. Charlotte and I can still pull something off though. I kissed Amelia's head and she smiled at me. She was the love of my life without a doubt.

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