forty two

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Timeline: 2 months later.
My mom and Arizona have been wedding planning like crazy. There's all these decorations, stationary, designs, and stuff all over the house. I think they're getting dresses soon. I'm so excited for that, I can't wait to see what dresses they pick out. And I get to pick out my own dress as long as it's light pink. I was excited. I never thought I'd get to be in a future wedding if my mom's, but I'm so glad I am! A few months ago she told me I'm her maid of honor and that made me so happy.
"Hey mom you know what day it is?" I asked her.
"Saturday?" She looked at me as she grabbed a coffee mug.
"And," I said.
"The Saturday I'd teach you how to drive," she said, "please don't kill me."
"I won't! I already passed my written test at school so I know all the rules!" I said, "is Arizona coming with?"
"No Arizona has work this morning," My mom said, "just us."
"Yay fun," I smiled, "can I drive your car?"
"Well Arizona needs her car for work so yes," she laughed, "we going to the parking lot at your school since it should be empty. Are you nervous?"
"No it can't be that bad can it?" I said, "I know all my rules I've got this."
"Alright well we'll see your driving abilities in action then," she laughed. We got ready and my mom grabbed her keys. She drove us to my school and parked the car. She switched seats and looked at me.
"I cannot believe my baby girl is driving oh my god," she said, "you have to smile first."
"Mom," I laughed.
"What you don't want a picture for your Instagram or something? Or sorry, does it not match the feed?" She said.
"Oh my god stop!" I laughed as I posed for her picture and then she put her phone down.
"Okay so the car is already on, but when you have to turn it on you have to press the brake and this bottom," she said, "which one is the brake?"
"The one on the left," I said.
"Good job," she said, "press on the brake and move the shift gear into drive." I did so and and she told me to press down on the gas a little. I think I pressed too hard and the car jerked forward.
"Charlotte not that hard!" My mom chuckled.
"I'm sorry!" I said and slowed down the car.
"That's a better speed," my mom said.
"I'm pretty good at this," I said and looked at her.
"Eyes on the road missy," she laughed. We drove around the parking for 20 minutes and I think I did good.
"Try and park," my mom said.
"Where?" I said.
"Literally anywhere there's a million spots, just not one by the curb I don't want you ruining the front of my car," she chuckled. I parked in a spot and I was very crooked.
"Not horrible for the first time," She laughed, "gosh your father would have been so much more calmer than I am right now."
"Yeah?" I said.
"Yeah," she nodded, "he was the calm one. I think we all know I freak out and worry."
"Remember when I asked to see where dad was buried?" I asked her.
"I didn't forget," she said, "you still wanna go?" I nodded.
"I'll take a weekend off and take you. I'm sorry you still haven't gone," she said.
"It's fine," I said, "can I drive around again?"
"Yes," she said. We drove around for another 10 minutes and then we switched seats and my mom started driving home.
"You did good," my mom reluctantly admitted, "good job."
"Thanks," I smiled.
"Maybe we can drive around LA sometime," she said.
"Sometime soon?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "sometime soon."
"Okay," I smiled, "thanks."
This morning was so nerve racking. Charlotte drove for the first time today. She did good though. She did better than I expected. I also told her I would take her to LA to see where Ryan is buried. I looked at my work schedule and called Derek.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hey can you take my shift on Saturday?" I asked, crossing my fingers he would say yes.
"Yeah what do you have wedding planning or something?" He asked.
"I'm taking Charlotte to go see where Ryan's buried," I said.
"I can take the shift don't worry about it," he said.
"I owe you thank you so much," I said.
"I'll get you back some other time," he chuckled. I hung up and booked a hotel room. I would have to asked Arizona if it's okay if we just go. It's nothing against Arizona, I just kinda wanna bring Charlotte there myself. It's kinda personal. I think she'll get that. It won't be a problem. I heard the front door open and I got up and walked downstairs.
"Hey," I smiled as I kissed Arizona.
"Hey," she smiled, "did Charlotte drive today? How was it?"
"Very weird but she did good, she'll have to show you her skills sometime," I said.
"Oh definitely," Arizona said, "I told her she can drive my car if she wants."
"Better hope she doesn't crash it," I joked.
"You just said she was good," she laughed.
"Anyway I have a question," I said.
"Sure what's up?" Arizona asked.
"Charlotte wants to go see where Ryan's buried. I told her I'd take her next weekend. Is that okay? I kinda just want to take her since it's kinda personal. I don't want to hurt your feelings though," I said.
"Amelia of course it's fine," Arizona said.
"Okay but no throwing parties while I leave you alone with the house," I joked as I kissed her.
"I'll throw the biggest party," she laughed as we started making out. She's the love of my life.

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