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I ran into the ER and saw Meredith with a patient. I quickly changed into scrubs and met her in the OR.
"Sorry I had to call you in, Derek's got a head lac in OR 3," she said.
"It's no problem," I said and got gowned. We put the patient under and I grabbed a scalpel. I looked at the time and it was 4 in the morning. I probably wouldn't make it back in time to drive Charlotte to school, but Arizona offered. Which was nice. I'm glad they get along and have been getting closer.
"You're thinking," Meredith chuckled as she handed me the suction, "everything alright?"
"I was thinking about how Arizona offered to take Charlotte to school," I chuckled.
"Oh," Meredith said, "is that a good thing?"
"Yeah it's fine," I said, "I just hope Charlotte doesn't mind."
"She's 15 she doesn't care," Meredith chuckled, "you know that."
"You're right," I chuckled.
"So then what are you thinking about," Meredith said.
"How it's nice that she finally gets along with someone I've brought home," I said.
"In her defense you didn't bring home great contenders," Meredith joked.
"Shut up," I said.
"So this thing is pretty serious with Arizona right?" Meredith said.
"Yeah," I said as I clipped the bleed and the intern handed me the retractor.
"When are you doing to tell mother dearest," Meredith said. I looked up at her and then back down at the brain.
"Uh I haven't thought about that," I said.
"Well she called Derek last night and said she's coming into town next weekend," Meredith said, "so do what you want with that information." Shit.
The alarm went off and I rolled over. I had to get Charlotte up for school. I've literally never done this. I mean she was 15 she can pretty much get up on her own. I walked down the hallway and knocked on her door.
"Mom come in," Charlotte said in a tired voice. I opened the door and she was still in her bed.
"It's me," I said.
"Oh hey," she yawned.
"Your mom got paged last night so I'm going to take you to school," I said.
"Alright cool," Charlotte said, "I'll be down in a minute."
"Okay," I said and closed her door. I walked downstairs and started making coffee and Charlotte came down a few minutes later.
"What time do you guys usually leave?" I asked her.
"Like 6:50 it doesn't take that long to get to the school," Charlotte said, "I'll give you directions."
"Okay," I said. She made breakfast and sat at the table on her phone. I felt my phone buzz and I looked at it and it was Amelia.
"Everything good? I probably have another hour here," she sent.
"Everything is fine. Charlotte is up and dressed and eating breakfast. Leaving around 6:50," I sent.
"Thank you," she sent.
"No need to thank me," I said. Charlotte got up and grabbed her lunch and put it in her backpack.
"Oh shit," Charlotte said as she looked at something on her phone. She realized I was still in the kitchen and looked up.
"I didn't say that," she said and grabbed her bag.
"Everything alright?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys.
"Yeah," she said, "it's uh a thing."
"A thing?" I chuckled.
"You can't tell my mom I told you," she chuckled.
"Okay," I said.
"Zola texted me that my grandma is coming to town next weekend and she pretty much hates my mom," Charlotte said as we walked out the door, "it's literally always a disaster when she comes so don't be surprised if my mom starts acting weird and tries to get you out of a 100 mile radius of our house this weekend."
"It's that bad?" I said as she put her bag in the back.
"Yeah," Charlotte said, "please don't tell her I told you that though because she hates talking about it. She'll probably tell you anyway."
"Lips locked," I said.
"Thanks," she said, "make the next right." I drove her to school and we sat in the school parking lot because we were a little early.
"What time does school start?" I asked her.
"7:15 I usually get out around 7:05," she said.
"Okay," I said.
"Thanks for driving me to school, I could have just taken the bus," she said.
"It's no problem really," I said. The clock turned 7:05 and she got her bag and got out.
"Have a good day at school," I said.
"Thanks. Have a good day at work," she smiled as she walked into the school. So school drop off wasn't bad. Maybe I could do this.
I haven't seen Amelia since I got to work. I was closing on a patient and then I scrubbed out. I walked over to the OR board and erased my surgery.
"We need to talk," Amelia said as she stood next to me.
"Okay," I said. I figured it was about her mother. Charlotte told me they hated each other, which I don't know any of the details but I find that hard to believe. How could Amelia's mother hate her? We walked down the hallway and she opened the door to the on call room and sat down on the bed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My mom is coming to town and she doesn't know we're dating," she said.
"You think she won't approve?" I asked. She nodded.
"I'm going to tell her but please understand I don't want you to be there because it'll probably turn out hurtful," she said.
"You know I'll stand by you," I said.
"I know you will but I can't have you there," she said sadly, "let me tell her alone."
"Okay," I nodded, "I understand."
"How was school drop off this morning," she chuckled.
"It went fine," I said, "happy to do it any time."
"Thank you," Amelia said as she hugged me. I never wanted to let go. I just hoped next weekend would go okay. I just wanted her to be okay.

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