thirty one

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"Arizona why do you have so many clothes?" I laughed as I opened her closet.
"I don't know," she chuckled.
"You've never worn this," I said and held up a lingerie bra.
"Kinda forgot I had that," Arizona chuckled.
"It's going in the box," I said and dropped it in the box by my feet.
"Of course it is," she laughed and grabbed some things from her closet.
"I'm glad we're doing this," I smiled.
"Me too," she said, "I'm really glad we're doing this together." I smiled as she kissed me and Charlotte walked into the room.
"Is this what I'm going to have to live with? Ew," Charlotte joked, "anyway Arizona I packed your coffee mugs."
"Aw thank you," Arizona smiled and hugged her.
"Mom can I go to Tara's tonight?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah sure what time?" I asked.
"Like 5," Charlotte said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Cool I'm going downstairs," Charlotte said and walked out of the room. Arizona wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"You know what that means," she whispered in my ear.
"Hm?" I said.
"Empty house tonight," she said and let go of me.
"Maybe you can wear that," I motioned towards the lingerie.
"I'll think about it," she teased.
"Mhm," I smiled. Arizona and I finished packing up her clothing and her belongings. We put the boxes in the back of the car and the three of us got in.
"Want me to drop you off at Tara's now?" I asked Charlotte as it was almost 5 o'clock.
"Yeah sure," Charlotte nodded. I drove to Tara's house and I dropped Charlotte off.
"Bye have fun I love you," I said, "be good for Tara's parents."
"I will, I love you too," Charlotte said.
"When should I come back and get you?" I asked.
"I don't know I'll text you," Charlotte said.
"Alright have fun," I said.
"Bye Charlotte," Arizona said.
"Bye," Charlotte smiled and got out. I drove Arizona and I home and we brought her boxes inside.
"What should we unpack first?" I asked her.
"I don't care it's mostly clothes," she said.
"Okay," I smiled as we walked upstairs and organized everything in the closet and dresser, it was a good thing I had a huge closet. After we unpacked everything in the bedroom we left the box of textbooks in the home office and started organizing her coffee mug collection. She was adorable at how much she loved her coffee mugs.
"Babe hand me those I can put them up here," I said grabbing a chair to stand on.
"Amelia don't fall," Arizona said.
"Arizona I stand on this chair all the time," I chuckled as I put her mugs in the cabinet. I was done and she insisted on helping me down. She carried me bridal style and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she spun us around.
"What do you want to do tonight?" Arizona asked.
"I think you know," I chuckled, "but can we get pizza first?"
"We can get pizza first," Arizona chuckled. She put me down and kissed me lips.
"Ooooh it's almost dark out! Maybe we can star gaze," I smiled.
"Sounds good," Arizona smiled. We finished all of the unpacking and the pizza had been delivered. Arizona and I both changed into comfy sweats and I put out a few blankets and pillows outside to watch the stars.
"Ames this is so cute," Arizona smiled as I lit a candle on the deck for light. I smiled as I sat down next to her and we started eating pizza.
"I'm so happy you're living here," I smiled.
"I am too," Arizona giggled, "and I'm so glad Charlotte is okay with it."
"Sometimes I think she loves you more than me," I joked.
"Shut up," Arizona chuckled. I snuggled into her as we both watched the stars in the sky. She wrapped her arms around me as we laid back.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said.
"The stars are so pretty," I said.
"You're prettier," Arizona said softly.
"Am not," I chuckled, "don't you know you're the prettiest girl?"
"Definitely you Ames," she chuckled.
"No," I chuckled and kissed her. We started making out and she climbed on top of me.
"We can't do it outside!" I laughed.
"Well why not you have a fence nobody can see us," Arizona laughed.
"You'd do it outside? Liar," I chuckled.
"How do you know that?" Arizona chuckled.
"We have to be quiet tho I don't need a noise complaint," I chuckled.
"Whatever you want Ames," she said and started kissing my neck.
"I wanna be on top," I said and flipped us over and straddled her lap.
"Someone's bossy," she chuckled.
"Oh yeah," I said and kissed her.

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