thirty nine

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The doorbell rang. I felt so nervous. I walked to the door with Charlotte and opened it.
"Hi," I said.
"You got engaged and didn't tell me?" She looked at me.
"Can we please be civil Arizonas family is here," I pleaded.
"So you can tell her family but not me? What am I nothing to you?" She said.
"I think we can have this conversation later lunch is almost ready," I said.
"Fine," she said. She followed Charlotte and I into the kitchen and I swallowed hard.
"Barbara and Dan, this is my mother Carolyn. Mom, this is Arizona's mom and dad," I smiled. My mom nodded as we sat down to lunch. I looked across from me and Charlotte looked up from her food. It's okay. She mouthed. I nodded as I started picking at my food. I was so nervous I couldn't eat anything. I felt Arizonas hand on my thigh and I put my hand on top of hers.
I could tell how uncomfortable Amelias mom made her. Arizona mentioned how the two were somewhat estranged. Amelia had barely eaten anything. I think she was really nervous. I could sense her mother's presence made her uneasy.
"So Amelia I heard you and Arizona are getting married," Carolyn said.
"Yeah," Amelia said.
"I see you took my advice seriously," Carolyn said in a low tone.
"We're not talking about that here," Amelia said.
"Why not?" Carolyn challenged her.
"We can talk about it later," Amelia said softly. I felt really bad for her. Her mother seemed awful to her.
"So Carolyn what do you do?" I asked her.
"I'm a retired navy nurse," she said.
"Oh that's cool, Dan's retired from the navy too," I said, hoping this would strike some sort of conversation to help Amelia out.
"Yeah we used to move around a lot when my dad was in the navy," Arizona chimed in.
"That's nice," Carolyn said, "Amelia you've barely eaten."
"I have to use the bathroom," Amelia said quickly and got up. Charlotte went to get up but I put my hand on her arm.
"It's okay I'll go talk to her," I said quietly. Charlotte nodded and I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door.
"Arizona or Charlotte, I don't know which one of you is outside the door but I don't want to talk about it," Amelia said.
"It's me," I said. She opened the door and she wiped her tears.
"Hey," I said, "don't let her get under your skin."
"It's so hard," Amelia frowned, "it's a really complicated relationship I don't expect you to understand."
"Come here," I said and hugged her tightly.
God lunch was awful. I was cleaning dishes to try to get my mom to leave me alone.
"Amelia," Arizona said softly as she stood next to me at the sink.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You want help?" She offered.
"I'm okay," I said.
"Don't let her annoy you," she said, "she's just trying to get a rise out of you."
"I know," I sighed.
"I'm here if you need anything," she said. I smiled as I pecked her lips and finished the dishes.
"Amelia we need to talk," my mom said. I nodded as we walked outside and I closed the door behind me.
"You're marrying her? You're marrying a woman?" My mom said.
"God can we not have this conversation! Yes I'm marrying a woman. I love her. If you have a problem with our engagement, then you're not coming to the wedding. You wonder why I don't tell you anything, but then you show up on my weekend with Arizonas family and embarrass me!" I said.
"You shouldn't marry a woman. That's ludicrous of you to think that's a real relationship! And if you think it's a stable situation for your daughter you're dumber than I thought." She scolded.
"Why can't I love who I love and you accept me!" I yelled at her, "everyone else in my life is fine with it. Nobody even cares that she's a woman. Everyone cares that we're happy together! Shouldn't my happiness be worth more to you than this homophobia or just hatred towards me!"
"I can't let you make this mistake," my mom said.
"Loving Arizona isn't a mistake," I defended.
"If you hadn't done so many drugs you would have married a man and you wouldn't be in this mess," she said. Ryan. I drew the line at ryan. She didn't know ryan. She had no idea what any of it was like.
"Get out," I said.
"You can't kick me out," she said.
"Get out before I call the police," I said, "don't expect a wedding invitation in the mail."
"How dare you," she said.
"No. How dare YOU come into my house and my life and criticize my wife to be and Charlottes father. You have no idea what you're talking about and have no right to judge me on either subject. Get out and don't come back," I said.

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