twenty two

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3 months later...
I was scrubbing out of a surgery when I saw Arizona walk out of Bailey's office.
"Hey what's up?" I smiled.
"Hey so you know that Madison Grant?" She asked as we started walking.
"The Africa thing Bailey was talking about?" I asked.
"Yes the Africa thing," she said, "turns out they have a tiny human department."
"Ooh are they bringing the tiny humans here like Alex did during his fellowship?" I asked.
"No actually they want someone to go over there," she said, "and I applied, and won."
"Oh," I said, "you applied?"
"Well you know how many applicants there are and I didn't want to tell you unless something happened because it wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't win," she said.
"So you're going to Africa?" I asked.
"Yeah just for a little while," she said.
"How long?" I asked.
"3 months, or you could come with," she proposed.
"Arizona I have a 15 year old daughter I'm not moving her or myself to Africa," I said.
"This is why I didn't tell you," she said.
"What?" I said.
"Well can't you be happy about this?" She said.
"Happy that you're leaving?" I said.
"I'll be back," she said.
"How could you have expected me to move Charlotte and I across the world," I protested.
"Okay so I didn't think it through," she said.
"Arizona," I sighed.
"I know," she said, "but it's only three months."
"Whatever. Do whatever you want to do because my opinion doesn't matter anyway," I said and walked down the hallway.
"Amelia! I never said that!" She said.
"You didn't have to," I said and got in the elevator and of course she followed.
"Amelia please don't be mad," Arizona begged.
"I'm mad at you for thinking you could spring this on us without us having issues I'm not mad at you about gaining the opportunity," I said.
"Can we please talk about this?" She said.
"There's nothing to talk about," I said.
"Ames please," Arizona said as she walked into my office. We haven't spoken since before. How can she just move to Africa? And expect me to?
"Arizona I don't want to talk about this!" I said.
"Can't we figure something out!" She said.
"I don't know how you could expect me to just follow you everywhere when I have a child! Its not just you and me there's Charlotte!" I said.
"I know I wasn't thinking!" She said, "but I already said yes."
"You already said yes?" I said sadly.
"Amelia its only three months," she said, "we can call, text, Skype."
"You already said yes. So I was never part of this decision anyway. You obviously don't need me. Have fun in Africa," I said and stormed out.
I heard the front door slam shut and my mom walked into the kitchen all teary eyed.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing," she said. She made a cup of coffee and walked upstairs to her room. I followed her after a few minutes and knocked on her door. I opened the door and she was crying while watching TV.
"Mom what happened?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"Arizona won a grant from the hospital," she said.
"And?" I said.
"And it's the one where she gets to move to Africa for 3 months," she said, "and she didn't even ask me before she accepted it. She didn't even tell me she applied."
"Well maybe she really wants it," I said.
"She clearly didn't care about what I thought about it, actually she said we could move with her," she chuckled.
"We're not though right?" I said.
"No we're not moving to Africa," she said.
"Okay," I said.
"But she just thought I'd follow her anywhere she wanted and didn't even think about me, or you for that matter," she said annoyed.
"So you argued about it?" I asked.
"Guess you could say that," she said sadly.
"How long is her stay in Africa?" I said.
"3 months," she sniffled.
"Well that's not too bad. You could text, or email, or Skype right? I mean if there's really no internet you could write some old fashioned letters," I suggested.
"I won't need that," She said.
"What?" I said confused.
"Arizona and I broke up," she said.

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