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I locked my car and walked up Amelia's driveway. We were just going to stay in tonight and probably watch a movie or something. I got up to the front door and I heard yelling.
"I hate you!" Charlotte yelled.
"Charlotte!" Amelia yelled.
"You're literally the worst mother!" Charlotte yelled back. I knew I should leave because whatever they were arguing about was intense. I went to go walk down the driveway and the door opened. Amelia must have seen me or the car.
"Hey," she said. Tears were streaming down her face and she tried wiping them away with her sleeve but they wouldn't stop.
"Hey," I said and walked back to the door.
"I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to cancel," she said. Her voice was shaking and I needed to make sure everything was okay.
"Are you okay what happened?" I asked.
"It's something with Charlotte," she sniffled.
"Is she okay?" I asked.
"I really don't want to talk about it," she said in a weak voice, "I'm really sorry."
"Hey it's okay," I said.
"I should have called before you drove over here I'm sorry," she said.
"Amelia stop it's okay," I said and kissed her forehead. I hated seeing her cry. I could tell she was really upset, and I wanted to be here for her, but I also knew she had to go talk to Charlotte.
"Call me when you can okay? And if you need anything don't hesitate to ask," I said and kissed her forehead again.
"Thank you," she said.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah," she sniffled.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said. I walked back to my car and I was really worried. I would call her in an hour maybe to check up on her. I don't know what it's like to have kids or to argue with them, but I just hope Amelia and Charlotte are okay.
God I was a mess. I had to cancel my night with Arizona which I totally forgot about anyway because of this whole situation. I feel awful. I walked upstairs and Charlotte's door was locked.
"Charlotte," I said quietly.
"Go away," she said.
"Charlotte please," I begged.
"I have homework to do go away," she said.
"Please," I said.
"GO AWAY!" She yelled.
"Okay," I said as I walked down the hallway. I wanted to talk to Arizona. But I couldn't. Then she would know the truth. She would look at me differently. Everyone does. Even my own daughter does. I never wanted this. I never wanted her to know the truth. She asked a few times about Ryan when she was little and I told him about what a great man he was. She never asked how he died because she was small. When she was around 11/12 she asked again and I just said a car crash. Then a few months ago she asked for the story so I made one up. I wanted to protect her from the truth, and I didn't want her to look at me like this.
She lied. She's been lying this whole time. I do feel bad for yelling at her though. She kinda deserved it. I finished my homework and looked at the blank page that was supposed to be my family tree. What was I supposed to even do. I mean yeah I knew my dads name and what he looked like, but I didn't know any of his family, and judging by the relationship between him and my mom, she probably didn't either. I always thought they were in love and had a real relationship. I mean she probably didn't even want me and got stuck with me. But she could of had an abortion if she really didn't want me, so some part of her did want me. I grabbed the piece of paper and outlined my moms side. Derek, Meredith, technically Maggie because I can branch her off of Mer, Zola, Bailey, Ellis, Grandma Carolyn, Kathleen, Elizabeth, and Nancy. I didn't really talk to any of them besides Maggie and Derek and Meredith's family. Family was complicated. I drew a line to my dad and just wrote him. It would have to do I guess. I don't really care anymore. I threw all my stuff in my backpack and opened my door. I walked down to the bathroom and when I came out my mom was in the hallway.
"How's the homework?" She asked.
"It's done," I said.
"The family tree?" She said.
"I don't want to talk about it," I said.
"Okay," she said.
"I'm going to bed goodnight," I said.
"Good night," she said. I closed my door and I couldn't fight the tears anymore. I wish I didn't know.
I got up and went to work this morning. I didn't hear from Amelia all night so I hope she was doing okay. I had to walk through the lobby to consult on a trauma case with April and that's when I saw Amelia and Charlotte walk in. They both looked miserable. I don't think they slept, and Amelia looked like she never stopped crying. They both saw me and froze.
"Meet me in my office," Amelia said.
"Don't tell me what to do," Charlotte scoffed.
"Just do it," Amelia sighed.
"Whatever," Charlotte said and walked towards the elevator.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked as she walked over to me. She looked awful. She couldn't treat patients. She couldn't do surgery today.
"I'm fine," she said, "I need to check the ER."
"Amelia you're not working today," I said and stopped her.
"Arizona please," she said.
"You're not working," I said, "you're sleep deprived, you're upset, you're angry. You're not checking up on patients or cutting into anyone's brain."
"I need to," she said, "I cannot sit in a room with my daughter all day please let me do something."
"You're not working," I said, "you have to work whatever this is out with Charlotte. You don't have to do that today, but you can't do surgery today."
"Amelia!" Derek called as he came over to us.
"She's not working today," I said.
"Arizona please," Amelia complained.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked looking at Amelia.
"I'm just tired okay? I didn't sleep great last night," Amelia said.
"You're not working on patients until you get a good nights sleep alright?" Derek said, "take Charlotte and come back tomorrow."
"Whatever," Amelia said and stormed off towards the elevator.
"Something happen between you two?" Derek asked.
"Between her and Charlotte," I said.
"Yeah I can probably guess what that's about," he said and followed Amelia. My heart broke seeing how bad Amelia was feeling.

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