seventy three

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"Charlotte it's time for school," I said.
"Ugh," Charlotte rolled over.
"Come on I'll make waffles downstairs okay?" I said and kissed her head. I knew she would hate the first day of school. Her and Maxine went to different schools, but they were still happily dating and they were both gonna continue the hospital volunteering. I'm glad Charlotte liked it and it gave her a little job. I walked down to my bedroom and Arizona was still in bed. She was 3 months pregnant with our twins now. She was just ending her first trimester. I can't believe we're having twins it's so crazy, but I love it. Her eyes fluttered as I came back over to the bed and I smiled.
"Good morning beautiful," I said and kissed her.
"Good morning gorgeous," she said.
"It's Charlotte's senior year," I pouted, "I feel old."
"I know you do," Arizona laughed and kissed me.
"How are the babies doing this morning?" I asked and placed two kisses on her stomach.
"I think they're still sleeping," Arizona chuckled, "no kicking or fighting yet."
"Aw," I said, "I'll be right back I'm going to make Charlotte waffles. Would you like anything right now?"
"Can I have apples and orange juice?" Arizona said. I chuckled. Pregnancy cravings.
"Sure sweetheart," I said, "I'll bring it upstairs okay?"
"No I'll come down I wanna see Charlotte before her first day of school," Arizona said. I helped her up and we walked downstairs. I cut up an apple and poured Arizona a cup of orange juice and then made two waffles for Charlotte. She came downstairs and sat down at the table and I smiled.
"It's your senior year!" I smiled, "I have to take a picture of you after breakfast."
"Ew you're such a Facebook mom," Charlotte chuckled.
"So what if I'm a Facebook mom," I chuckled, "are you excited?"
"No," Charlotte chuckled, "Senior year means hard classes, college searching, college applications, and all this college crap."
"College is fun," Arizona said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Too much work for 7 am," Charlotte said.
"Well you don't have to do it all now," I said, "and don't forget your cousins are coming over tonight." Since Arizona was starting to show more we were telling our families we were pregnant. We were going to FaceTime her mom and dad and have Meredith, Derek, Maggie, and the kids over to tell them.
"Maxine can still come over right?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah sure," I said, "she can stay for dinner too," I said.
"Okay cool," Charlotte said, "I gotta get going."
"Picture!" I said. I made her stand by the door with her backpack and she smiled. She left for school and I walked back into the kitchen.
"I love you," I smiled at Arizona.
"I love you too Ames," she giggled and kissed me.
The front door opened and I looked out from the kitchen and it was Charlotte and Maxine. They went out to lunch after school and hung out, so I was now preparing for my family to come.
"Hi Maxine," I smiled, "Hey Char how was school?"
"Boring," Charlotte said.
"Hi Ms.Shepherd," Maxine smiled.
"Maxine you're making me feel old you know you can call me Amelia," I chuckled, "how was your first day of school."
"It was good," she said.
"What time is everyone coming?" Charlotte asked.
"In an hour and a half," I said.
"Are you actually cooking?" Charlotte joked.
"No shut up I bought this and I'm heating it up," I laughed.
"Where's Arizona?" Charlotte asked.
"Sleeping," I said, "so be quiet if you go upstairs."
"Okay," Charlotte said.
"Your whole family is coming over?" Maxine asked. I could tell by the way she said it that it made her nervous. I told her how unbelievable homophobic my grandma was, so I had to reassure her that tonight would be okay.
"Only the non-homophobic family members are coming," I said and hugged her, "they'll love you I promise. Theres my Aunt Meredith and Uncle Derek, Derek is my mom's brother, and they have three kids, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. You'll love them. Zola is 16 so she's one year younger than us, and Bailey is 12 and Ellis is 6. And then my Aunt Maggie is coming and I think she's bringing her boyfriend Winston but I don't know. We're also FaceTiming Arizona's parents Dan and Barbera, they're super sweet you have nothing to worry about."
"Wow you have a big family if that's only part of it," Maxine chuckled.
"My mom has 4 siblings but she only likes 1 of them," I chuckled.
"Gotcha," she chuckled, "so is it like someone's birthday why is everyone coming over? Or do you just do that?"
"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone," I said.
"Okay," Maxine said.
"Arizonas pregnant," I said.
"Oh my gosh that's exciting," Maxine said, "so they're like telling everyone?"
"Yeah," I said.
"Lips locked," Maxine giggled.
Everyone was here and dinner was going good. We were getting ready to FaceTime my parents soon and I was excited for everyone to know. I was excited to share this part of Amelia and I'd loved with the people we love.
"Okay guys Arizona's parents, Dan and Barbera wanna say hi to everyone so let me just call them real quick," Amelia said and brought up the computer. They connected and I smiled.
"Hi mom. Hi dad," I smiled.
"Arizona! Amelia!" My mom smiled, "oh and look everyone else is there too! Hi everyone!"
Everyone said hello and I smiled.
"So mom, dad, everyone, Amelia and I have something we wanna share with you," I grinned. I looked at Amelia and she nodded.
"We're expecting twins!" We smiled.
"Oh my gosh!" My mom and dad said, "that's amazing guys!" There were lots of hugs and congratulations. It was really nice to finally tell everyone.

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