1 I Open the curtains

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[Y/N's POV] - Location: The L/N household- 

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[Y/N's POV] - Location: The L/N household- 

(District Tournament Semi finals) 

8:00 am - Monday 


I jolted up and looked around the room wildly. Huh? What's happening? Then I just realized it was my alarm going off. I groaned and slammed my hand on it and it stopped making that dreadful sound. What time is it...? I looked at the alarm clock and almost jumped out of my skin. 8:00?! School starts at 8:15! I'm going to be late!!! I hopped out of bed. 
       "Mom! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I yelled, frustrated with myself. Then I remembered my parents had a meeting and probably already left, frick, I groaned again. I rushed towards my closest and pulled a drawer open. I took the first thing I saw in the drawer and put it on, I didn't have time to worry about my appearance, I'm going to be late. I just gave my hair a small brush and tied it in a messy ponytail. I rushed out of my room, down the stairs, and grabbed my bag. Before I opened the front door, I spotted some bread on the counter. Oh yeah, breakfast. I quickly grabbed a random piece of bread, tied my shoes, and went out the door. I locked the door behind me while struggling to eat my food. The school was a good amount of distance from my house, and I didn't want detention, like last week. I started picking up the pace when I checked my phone for the time, 8:10 am. I ended up sprinting the whole way there. A relieved smile came across my face as I saw Beigoma Academy in the distance. This is a horrible start to the day, I thought to myself. I didn't intend to start with my training this early in the morning. I finally reached the school. I stopped at the entrance to catch my breath. I was panting. "Phew!" I breathed. After I pulled myself together, I opened the door. I got to class right on time, like. I sat down at my desk and pretended as of nothing happened. 
"There you are" I heard a small whisper behind me. I turned around, it was Valt, I almost forgot he sat behind me. Whoa, Valt is in class on time today? That's the first. "You almost got detention!" He whispered. Valt was a friend of mine and the president of this club called Beigoma Academy Beyclub. 
"Thanks, Captain Obvious" I hissed quietly. Valt leaned back in his chair. 
"What kept you?" I turned to my left side. Sat there was another friend of mine, Rantaro Kiyama or Honcho. I shrugged.
"I just woke up late I guess" I replied. Before we could say anything else, the teacher stood up from her desk. 
"Alright students, settle down" She spoke. "Let's start with attendance" I wasn't paying attention half the time during attendance. I was thinking about my match today against this guy, Wakiya Murasaki I think his name was. I've seen him, he was quite the tall fella really, almost scary. Out of all the district tournaments I've battled, I've never battled Wakiya let alone know much about his bey or him in general. He's always lost to Shu before the district finals. But from what I do know, his bey is a defense type, and he has this move called shield crash, I've seen it in action, but that's about it. I opponent I don't know much about, this will be interesting. I thought. 
       "Y/N!" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my name. I looked up. The teacher, no the whole class was starring at me. "Pay attention" The teacher scolded. I slumped in my chair, slightly embarrassed. "So, are you here Y/N?" 
"Here" I muttered loud enough for the teacher to hear. She didn't spend any more time with me, she continued to call out the student's names as I sunk back into thought. That is until one name caught my attention. 
"here" Came a monotone voice. I forgot, he was in my class. He's beaten me four years in a row, it was crazy, this guy's strength. But I've trained hard this year and I've been bulldozing through the tournament, I'll beat you this year Shu, just you wait. 
"Is your mind always about blading?" Honcho joked. I gave him a small glare. 
"No..." I replied. Huh, Maybe... But I didn't want to tell him that. 
"Because that's where my brain is!" Valt cheered. That's the one thing I didn't like about Valt. I flinched at his loud voice, my ears... I thought. 
"Valt, please calm down" The teacher warned him. "You don't want detention" Valt scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed. 
"Right... Sorry about that" He apologized. The teacher gave him a small nod before continuing with the lesson. 

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 // 𝐒𝐇𝐔 𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now