18 I The Past Scars The Present

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[No One's POV]

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[No One's POV]


Both Orochi and Ren seemed to have noticed, because they were looking over both of Y/N's shoulders to see what she was looking at. 

"There's no way" Ren's voice was dead serious, she's never seen him like that before. His eyes shown disbelief. "Akari's back in town? AND WITH YOUR MAN?!" Ren screamed the last part, making both Orochi and Y/n flinch. (Bro I love Ren so much lmao) Ren's last comment made Y/N's heart flutter a little bit, a tiny bit of pink shown on her cheeks. 
"Aka...ri?" Orochi repeated, clearly not knowing who she is. 
"She's my childhood best friend, or at least, used to" The (h/c) hair girl murmured the last part, loud enough for both of them to hear. Ren shook his head in disgust. 
"What's she doing with your man?" he scowled. Y/N turned her head towards him when he said the 'your man' part again. 
"I-I never said he was!" Y/N protested, trying to sound confident to defend herself. Orochi just smirked, obviously not buying that.

"Yeah sure, both your melodies sound great together" He commented. 

"oroChi" y/n spoke through gritted teeth. "and plus" she started again with a serious face. "maybe it was a misunderstanding, she probably doesn't know we're here, and maybe Shu is just being friendly since she's new in town" She offered. Ren's smile faded and just nodded in agreement. 
"yeah, maybe" the black and white hair boy spoke thoughtfully, putting a finger on his chin like he was thinking. "But I still don't like this" Y/N just blinked at how Ren was reacting to Akari's return. 
"I thought someone like you would be defending your girlfriend" Ren shot a cold look at Y/n as she mentioned the word 'girlfriend' "oops" The (h/c) hair girl clapped a hand over her mouth. Ren's gaze softened and turned his attention outside, to the sky to be exact. 
"I liked her at one point. But there's something you don't know" He started slowly. Both Orochi and Y/N nodded slowly, urging him to continue. "Akari and I fought about a week before she moved, it was about 'stealing her best friend' or some stuff like that" Ren spoke in a sarcastic tone.
"What?" The (h/c) hair girl spoke in disbelief. "What is she talking about? I thought she liked you back!" The blue-eyed boy shrugged. 
"I think she did, but I lost interest in her when she started to take a liking in other boys, more than one at once" Ren explained. "I didn't know she was like that, and that's why I think her return is a bad thing" He concluded. They didn't have anymore time to think about it, because Zac clapped his hands a couple times to get everyone's attention. 
"I want you all at the stadium on time and at tip top shape! We're going to the top!" He spoke in a cheerful voice, giving all of us jazz hands. 



"Hey, since we have quite some time, what about we hang out today?" Orochi offered, obviously trying to lighten up the mood. Ren's eyes brightened, like how the sun brushes off a cloudy day. 
"That would be great!" he cheered. "We can get our mind off things" he added. Y/N nodded in agreement. This was what she needed. 
"And the last thing I need is to run into those two" She muttered loud enough for those two boys to hear. 
"Let's go!" Ren marched, leading all of them towards town happily. "Let's get something to eat first, yeah? I'm hungry!" Y/N was pretty hungry too. Today's training was pretty brutal, and they didn't stop for a snack break, or even a water break. 
"Sounds good" Orochi agreed in his normal monotone voice. 

[Short Chapter Just to continue from last chapter! Next chapter will be longer!]

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