15 I The Scars Of The Past

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Thank you so much for the support <3 we are now #1 in ShuKurenai (As of 3/22/21) so thank you! I know all of you want more updates, so I'll try to update it more, thanks for your understanding!

SPOILER WARNING : Free's first appearance

Now, on with the story!


[3rd Person's POV]


After a long day today, you finally got home, like expected, your parents are still out traveling. Y/N sighed and dropped her bag down on the floor, stretching her hands as she made her way towards the fridge to get something to eat. You opened the fridge but something caught your attention. Turning around, you see a framed picture of you, and a young girl with beautiful brown hair and majestic blue eyes. It was your best friend, Akari. She didn't keep in touch when she moved away during our first year in middle school. Both Y/N and Akari were best friends ever since preschool, when your mother and father didn't have a lot of work, and before you even set eyes on Shu, and before you became a blader. 

"Akariiiii!!!!"  A young (h/c) hair girl squealed making the blue-eyed girl next to her tackled the girl with the (e/c) eyes, covering her mouth with her hand. The girl known as Akari was blushing madly. Poor Young Y/N tried to struggle out of her friend's grip. Finally breaking free, she gasped for air. After recovering, on the top of her lungs, she screamed. 
"YOU LIKE HIM!" The young (h/c) girl pointed at a tall boy, about their age, making him turn towards them with a blank expression. Akari tackled her friend once again. 
"Keep it down!" Akari whined, but you could tell by how red her face was, Y/N was right. The (e/c) girl pouted. She didn't see anything wrong with liking someone, not that she liked someone at the moment though. The boy was standing next to a blonde boy, with a red streak, he looked so emotionless and innocent. He was wearing a yellow tank-top style shirt and brown pants. His friend had baggy pants, a t-shirt and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Before the two girls knew it, the boys were walking towards us, the one with black hair and a ponytail waved at us with a warm smile on his face. 
"Hey!" He called making Akari yelp in panic. Her friend sweatdropped at her reaction. The boys sat down on the bench right next to us, the boy with the golden locks sat on Y/N's left side, while the other boy sat on Akari's right side. The boy with black hair smiled at us. 
"I'm Ren, you?" The boy with black hair stuck out his hand for Akari to shake, which she does nervously. "And that boy over there is my friend" Y/N turned her attention to the boy with golden locks and one red streak in his hair. He had black eyes, and a expressionless look on my face. 
"My name is Free, Free De La Hoya" The (h/c) girl shook the hand of the boy she knew as Free. 
"How old are you guys?" Akari chirped, so it wasn't awkward. Ren was the one to answer, Free didn't seem like the type to talk all that much. 
"We're 11, you?" 
"Us too" Y/N replied, a smile appeared on her face. "we're in grade school" Ren's eyes brightened and he pointed to himself. 
"We are too!"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 // 𝐒𝐇𝐔 𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now