2.4 || Inferno Royalis

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[ Chapter Speedrun :D ] 

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[ Chapter Speedrun :D ] 


Inferno Royalis - The will of the knight 


"Wowww" Ryu opened in mouth in surprise. The training area was huge! There were bleachers on both sides of the gym and a bunch of stadiums in the middle. You can hear the sounds of clashing beys from every corner of the gym. 
"Do you guys like it?" A familiar voice came from behind them. The squad turned around to see a familiar maroon-haired lady. 
"Kris!" Y/N exclaimed. "yeah, it's really cool" Kris chuckled in amusement. 
"I'm glad you guys like it" Her gaze turned to the bladers who were training with one another. "Everyone here works really hard, and I hope you guys will do the same as well" The group of bladers nodded in response. "Also, tryouts for the team is actually tomorrow, feel free to swing by in the morning to watch" She sighed before she continued. "And I hope the team captain will come watch, for once" 


Y/N's eyes couldn't help but stare at Ren, who had an expressionless face when he heard his best friend's name. 
"We'll keep it in mind" Ryu answered for them. The rest of the group nodded, backing up Ryu's response. Kris clapped her hands together happily. 
"Great! Now if you excuse me," She pointed to the brown-haired adult in the corner, who was observing battles. "I have to talk to Trad, our bey trainer" Y/N waved as the maroon-haired lady turned and walked the other direction. There was an awkward silence between the bladers, there was only the sound of beyblades clashing in the background. 
"Um.. so how about we find an empty stadium?" Haru suggested, breaking the awkard silence. 

"Good id-"
"Hey, you." The voice was disturbing, and it made the squad jump in surprise. The group turned around to see two boys, one with long-lavender hair. "You guys do know this is for people in the team only, right?" The lavender-haired boy raised a brow, a smirk on his face. "Get lost" A sweat tear rolled down her face. She was about to step in front, but Ryu raised his hand an blocked her way. "I'm Django, by the way" He bowed and smiled. "one of the top bladers in BC Sol" He added proudly. And big guy next to him was also smiling. "You can call me Stan" He laughed. "You better not mess with us, how did you guys get in here anyway? Are you lost?" Django walked closer towards them. 
"I've never seen you guys around here before, you all new or something?"
"Well, yea-" Y/N was cut off
"That explains it" Django snapped his fingers. "Let me guide you guys out, alright? This is for BC Sol o-" 
"We aren't leaving." Ryu spoke up, cutting him off. Django's confident smile faded. He frowned, tilting his head. 
"Why so? Like I said bef-" 
"We're new here, yes, but we are new members of BC Sol as well" The boy continued sternly. The lavender-haired boy walked closer to him, but Ryu didn't flinch. (Stan Ryu) 
"Tryouts are tomorrow, come back later" Django lifted his chin to meet Ryu's gaze. 
"We don't need to tryout, Kris already allowed us to join" Ren stepped in. Django and Stan exchanged looks, before starting to laugh. 
"ohhh" Django wheezed. "Why would anyone let you into the team? do you know who I am?" the lavender-haired boy continued laughing in between his words. "I am one of the top bladers in this team, if you wanna join, you have to be able to put up a fight against me" Everyone but Ryu held their breath. 
"Fine by me" The former DC Ruby blader replied without any sign of shaking. 
"Ryu's in the zone" Alexis whispered from behind Y/N. The (h/c) haired girl turned her head to the right, to see Allistor smirking. He nodded slowly. Django gave Ryu one last stare, eyeing him up and down.
"Confident Kid" He muttered, taking out his bey. "Very well, just don't cry when I beat you" 

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