2.7 | Nexus : immune

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the albino stared up at the ceiling, using the towel to wipe the sweat from his neck. His crimson eyes shimmered under the blinding light. 
"I wonder how Y/N is doing back in Japan.." 


(lmao bro we are in Spain xD) 

"whoa whoa whoa there!" Haru gasped, stepping in between the two old friends. "we have tryouts going on right now, can't you guys settle your differences some other time?" the entire room was silent. They were shocked, and so was Y/N. Free. The number one blader in the whole world. Challenged her to a battle, in the middle of his team's tryouts. Free ignored Haru and stared right past her shoulder, meeting Y/N's unreadable gaze. "Guys..?" 
"Free De La Hoya, what is up with you today?" Trad stepped in, scolding the blonde boy. "Y/N is a recruit, don't go pressuring her like thi-" 
"It's okay." Y/N raised her hand and brushed off Trad's comment. "If it's a battle you want, then I accept." There were gasps from the crowd. Haru's eyes went wide and backed away slowly, lowering her head. Y/N's (e/c) eyes stared right into Free's pitch-black ones without a sign of fear. Ren whispered something from a distance, and Y/N couldn't make out what he said. 
"If you stand by what you said earlier, don't hold back" Free gave a small nod. 
"I.." They both turned their heads at the same time to see the black and white-haired boy walking towards them slowly. The (h/c) haired girl raised a brow. "I'll.. oversee the match." Ren finished his sentence. The brown-haired trainer sighed in defeat, clearly looking annoyed. 
"Very well, if you must." Kris only folded her arms, her expression on her face was unreadable. 




"aw, man! I lost again!" Ren whined. Akari tried her best not the laugh out loud. 
"Free may be just too good of a blader" Y/N commented, giving her best friend a nudge. Her friend giggled. 
"How about you, Y/N?" He turned his head to the little (h/c) haired girl, his voice was still emotionless and monotone as ever. "Want to battle me?" Y/N exchanged looks with Akari, giving a huge smile to Free.
"You bet! I'm gonna beat you this time!" She boasted. 
"Free versus Y/N!" Akari beamed. "yay!!"




he's... different now. Just look at him. Y/N stared into the boy she once saw as her friend. The young, emotionless, but fun to hang out with Free De La Hoya. What happened to him? How and When did he change? 
"Y/N. We can start whenever you stop zoning out." The blonde's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She shook her head quickly and took her bey out, Free did the same. "This is a small reunion with my bey, Drain Fafnir. You remember, it, don't you?" The boy held out his bey for Y/N to examine. Wow... Drain Fafnir. It definitely changed during the last few years. It's much stronger too, I can tell. "It went through a couple of upgrades, but it's the same old Beyblade." 

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 // 𝐒𝐇𝐔 𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now