2.14 | A BC Sol Night

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(very epic I repeat) 

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(very epic I repeat) 

It's 112 degrees out here help me I'm dying 


Allistor put his hand on his chin and thought for a couple of moments. "So, for your launches, tell me, how long have you guys been using the same launch?" The boy asked, eyeing both of the other bladers in the room. Y/N looked up at the ceiling and thought as well. 'hmmm' 

"Maybe ever since I started blading, which was a long time ago." Ren only nodded in agreement. 
"I picked up my old launch back when I returned to the beyblade community." He added. Allistor let his hand fall to his side as he paced around the room, thinking. 
"Then we should come up with new launches, multiple launches, feel free to use Ryu's launches as something to replicate off of, just don't copy his launches directly." He added at the end. "of course, this will take some time, so feel free to take as long as you need to come up with these launches, make sure the launch works well for you, that is most important." Allistor gave a gentle smile and put his hands on his hips. "You should pay attention to Ryu's launches when he battles and observe what makes his launches so unique." The black and white-haired boy sitting next to Y/N slowly raised his hand, causing the former DC Ruby member to turn his head and face him. 
"How many launches do you have?" He wondered. 
"Well my bey is an attack type, and it's ideal to have at least two launches." Allistor started, putting up two fingers as he speaks. "I have three different launches." The boy concludes. He soon takes out his bey, which Y/N has never seen in person before. Her teammate shows them his bey. "This is Spiral Artemis," Y/N just stared at it. Artemis looked so beautiful as it sparkled under the room light.  "it likes to take part in longer battles. It brings out the most in my bey." What does he mean by that? The (h/c) haired girl wondered. Allistor looked at their expressions and just shrugged. "Artemis likes to control the battlefield" he sighed. "One day when we meet up on the battle stage, you will see what I mean." Ren and Y/N just exchanged curious and puzzled looks, then smiled at him. 
"I can't wait." Ryuga's owner nods his head. The (e/c) eyed girl agreed with her best friend. 

Suddenly the door bursted open and all three of their heads turned quickly toward the door. 
"AHH, ARE WE GETTING KIDNAPPED???" Ren screamed and jumped. Allistor just facepalmed and Y/N rolled her eyes at his behavior. By the doorway was a familiar blonde-haired boy with a red streak of hair, behind him, was none other than Ryu Sano. Even at his best friend's reaction, the blonde boy showed no signs of emotion whatsoever, he just held his hand up in greeting. Allistor's teammate pushed past Free and smiled at them. 
"I knew we'd find you." 
"Did something happen while we were gone?" Y/N wondered, eyeing them both. The two who just entered exchanged looks. 
"Well, Shu challenged De La Hoya to a battle-" Ryu started, snatching the back of his neck. The image of the albino flashed in her mind again. He is with the other girl on his team. The (h/c) haired girl just shook her head quickly, exiting the thought. 
"So what happened?" Ren asked before Y/N could say anything else. Ryu opened his mouth to answer but Free beat him to it. The blonde blader just shrugged like it was nothing. 
"I beat him quite easily." Came his monotone voice. Oh. Y/N thought. Allistor chuckled and leaned down toward her ear. 
"Looks like you should get him to train you instead of me." He whispered jokingly. The (h/c) haired blader nudged her friend and frowned. 
"I don't think I would learn anything from him especially," Y/N whispered back with gritted teeth.

"You never know." Allistor shrugged. "People teach differently." That's true... But I also want to ask Ryu for advice. She turns her (e/c) gaze to the boy who was talking to Ren. My defensive mode isn't too strong, maybe Sano could help with that. Free of course noticed her spacing out and cleared his throat loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. They all turned to the blonde boy, and Y/N snapped out of her thoughts. 
"How about we call it a day and go have a night out together?" Free suggested as he yawned. "Like a team's night out. I saw a mall on the way here, we could go shopping and I'm sure we can grab some dinner as well." They all exchanged looks and then nodded in agreement, smiling excitedly. 
"I heard the mall is huge!!" Ren exclaimed. "I would love to buy some things to bring back home." Allistor and Ryu murmured in agreement. 
"I am pretty tired," Y/N admitted, staring at the floor. Ren clapped his hands together and his eyes sparkled in excitement.
"Sounds good to me! Let's go find Haru and Alexis and be on our way!" 




They all returned to the main lobby where Shu was still helping and laughing with the same girl from earlier. Seems like he wasn't affected by his loss to Free or the fact that Y/N had left. The group was talking among themselves, mostly trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Ryu saw Haru and Alexis just as the girls turned to face them. He waved his hand as a way to tell them to join the group. 
"We're going to the mall!" He called as the two girls made their way over to them. 
"All of us?" Haru asked excitedly. Y/N nodded, avoiding any eye contact with the albino across the room. 
"Hey Y/N." Free had noticed her behavior around the snowhead. He had decided to spark a conversation with her to distract her. The (h/c) haired girl turned her head to face him with a puzzled look. "What do you want for dinner? Any ideas?" The girl thought for a moment, putting a finger on her chin. 
"Hmmm, maybe some sushi?" Ren seemed to have overheard because he clapped his hands and licked his lips. 
"SUSHI!" He beamed excitedly. "I haven't tried American sushi before! We should also get some ramen!" Allistor just shrugged and smiled. 
"Fine by me" 
"I don't mind!"
"Then it's settled." Free nodded in agreement, making a hand gesture toward the door. "Let's go before any of us get too hungry." 

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